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= Node Types

This is a partial list of the node types parsed by the AST and corresponding methods and information associated with them.

`RuboCop::AST::Node` defines some additional methods on certain node types by giving them a separate class. You can see the method definitions in the[API documentation].

For full information, please see the[parser documentation]. This page will act as a quick index to that page, which has more examples and fuller explanation of the different location pieces. You can also see a full AST for yourself by running `ruby-parse --legacy -L -e "ruby(code: 'here')"`.

There are a few "meta-types" of nodes that will be mentioned in descriptions:

* Expression nodes: any expression that returns a value - variables (`lvar`, `ivar`, `cvar` etc.), `send` or `csend`, `const`, `self`, any literal value (`int`, `str`, `nil`, etc.), or control statements like `if`, `case`, `begin`, etc.
* Assignment nodes: Any node that assigns a value. `lvasgn`, `ivasgn`, `cvasgn`, `gvasgn`, `send` (e.g. ` = 5`), or `csend`.
* Body statement: This can be essentially any node except those that must be nested (like `args` or `mlhs`). Typically it comes as the children of a node that can contain arbitrary code, like `def` or `class`. This will always be a single node which is either an expression, a `begin` node, or `nil`.

== Location Information

There are different parts of the source map you can get from the node, by calling `.loc` on it. Every node has an `expression` value which
usually represents the entire node, but others have additional fields.

The following fields are given when relevant to nodes in the source code:

|assoc|The fat-arrow: `=>` used in the body of rescue clauses (`resbody`), not in a hash `pair`)
|begin|* Start of parentheses or square brackets `(` or `[`
* Start of `do..end` blocks (containing the `do` keyword)
* `then` keyword
* `begin` keyword
* The first symbol in literals (like `"` for strings or `:` for symbols)
|colon|The `:` symbol, used as part of a ternary (`:`)
|dot|The `.` or `&.` operator used for `send` and `csend` nodes.
|double_colon|The `::` operator
|else|The `else` or `elsif` keyword
|end|* End of parentheses or square brackets `)` or `]`
* The `end` keyword
* The last symbol in literals (like `"` for strings)
|heredoc_body|The body of a string in heredoc format.
|heredoc_end|The end of the heredoc statement.
|in|The `in` keyword (as in ``)
|keyword|Any text-based keyword, like `begin` or `and`, with the exception of other keywords handled by other fields. This will include the full string containing the keyword.
|name|Used when *defining* something (like `const` or `arg`).
|operator|Any symbol representing an operator, like `*` (splat) or `\|\|=`.
|question|The `?` symbol used as part of a ternary (`if`)
|selector|Used for method invocation (`send` / `csend`) or operators that are actually methods (like `+`)


== Node Types

|Type|Description|Children|Example|Node Class

|alias|Method alias|Two children - both are `sym`, `dsym` or `gvar` nodes.|alias :foo :bar|[AliasNode]

|and|And operator|Two children are both expression nodes representing the operands.|a and b && c |[AndNode]

|and_asgn|And-assignment (AND the receiver with the argument and assign it back to receiver).|First child must be an assignment node, second child is the expression node.|a &&= b |[AndAsgnNode]

|arg|Required positional argument. Must come inside an `args`.|One child - a symbol, representing the argument name.|def foo(bar)|[ArgNode]

|args|Argument list. Must come inside a `def`, `defs`, `def_e`, `defs_e` or `block` node.|Children must be `arg`, `optarg`, `restarg`, `blockarg`, `kwarg`, `kwoptarg`, `kwrestarg`, `kwnilarg`, or `forwardarg`.|def whatever(foo, bar=1, baz: 5)|[ArgsNode]

|array|Array literal.|The values in the array, including a possible `splat`.|[1, 2, 3]|[ArrayNode]

|back_ref|Regular expression back-reference, e.g. $&.|One child (symbol) representing the reference name, e.g. `:$&`.|re = /foo(abc)/; $&|N/A

|block|Block execution.|Three children. First child is the receiver *or* a `lambda` node; second child is `args` or `forward_args` (only if `emit_forward` is false; it's true by default); third child is a body statement.| do \|a, b\|; puts a; end|[BlockNode]

|block_pass|Used when passing a block as an argument.|One child, an expression node representing the block to pass.|foo(a, &my_block)|N/A

|blockarg|Reference to block argument from a function definition. Must come inside an `args`.|One child - a symbol, representing the argument name.|def foo(&bar)|[ArgNode]

|break|break keyword|One child with an expression node for the results to be passed through the break.|break 1|[BreakNode]

|case|Case statement.|First child is an expression node for the condition to check. Last child is an expression node for the "else" condition. All middle nodes are `when` nodes.|case a; when 1; b; when 2; c; else d; end|[CaseNode]

|casgn|Constant assignment|Three children: the parent object (either an expression, `nil` or `cbase`), the constant name (a symbol), and the expression being assigned.|Foo::Bar = 5|[CasgnNode]

|cbase|Represents the top-module constant (i.e. the '::' before a constant name). Only occurs inside a `const` node.|None|::Foo|N/A

|complex|Complex literal|One child, the Complex value|1i|N/A

|const|Constant reference.|Two children, the parent object (either an expression, `nil` or `cbase`) and the constant name (a symbol). |AModule::AClass|N/A

|class|Class definition|Three children. First child is a `const` node for the class name, second child is a `const` node for the parent name, or `nil`, third child is a body statement.|class Foo < Bar; end|[ClassNode]

|csend|Null-safe method invocation, i.e. using `&.`|First child is the receiver node (e.g. `self`), second child is the method name (e.g. `:foo=`) and the remaining children (if any) are nodes representing arguments.|foo&.bar|[SendNode]

|cvar|Class variable access|One child, the variable name `:@@cfoo`|@@cfoo|N/A

|cvasgn|Class variable assignment|Two children: the variable name `:@@foo` and the expression being assigned|@@foo = 5|[AsgnNode]

|def|Instance method definition (full format)|Three children. First child is the name of the method (symbol); second child is `args` or `forward_args` (only if `emit_forward` is false, and it's true by default), and the last child is a body statement.|def foo(some_arg, kwarg: 1); end|[DefNode]

|defined?|`defined?` keyword.|One child, an expression.|defined?(foo)|N/A

|defs|Singleton method definition (full format) - i.e. defining a method on a single object.|Four children. First child is the receiver; second child is the name of the method (symbol); third child is `args` or `forward_args` (only if `emit_forward` is false, and it's true by default), and the fourth child is a body statement.|def, kwarg: 1); end|[DefNode]

|dstr|Interpolated string literal.|Children are split into `str` nodes, with interpolation represented by separate expression nodes.

|dsym|Interpolated symbol literal.|Children are split into `str` nodes, with interpolation represented by separate expression nodes.

|ensure|Block that contains an `ensure` along with possible `rescue`s. Must be inside a `def`, `defs`, `block` or `begin`.|The last child is the body statement of the `ensure` block. If there is a `rescue`, it is the first child (and contains the body statement of the top block); otherwise, the first child is the body statement of the top block.|begin; foo; rescue Exception; bar; ensure; baz; end|[EnsureNode]

|erange|Exclusive range literal|Two children, the start and end nodes (including `nil` for beginless/endless)|1...2|[RangeNode]

|false|False literal|None|false|N/A

|float|Floating point literal|One child, the Float value|-123.5|[FloatNode]

|for| looping condition|Three children. First child is a `lvasgn` or `mlhs` node with the variable(s), second child is an expression node with the array/range to loop over, third child is a body statement.|for a in arr do foo; end|[ForNode]

|forward_arg|Forwarding argument, for Ruby 3.0 (when `emit_forward_arg` is true). Must come inside an `args` node.|None|def whatever(foo, ...)|[ArgNode]

|forward_args|Forwarding argument list, for Ruby 2.7 (when `emit_forward_arg` is false). Must come inside a `def`, `defs`, `def_e`, or `defs_e` node.|None|def (foo(...)|[ForwardArgsNode]

|forwarded_args|Forwarding arguments into a method call|None|foo(...)|N/A

|forwarded_restarg|Forwarding positional arguments into a method call|None|foo(*)|N/A

|forwarded_kwrestarg|Forwarding keyword arguments into a method call|None|foo(**)|N/A

|gvar|Global variable access|One child, the variable name as a symbol `:$foo`|$foo|N/A

|gvasgn|Global variable assignment|Two children, the variable name `:$foo` and the expression being assigned|$foo = 5|[AsgnNode]

|hash|Hash literal.|`pair` s and/or  `kwsplat` s.|{ foo: 'bar' }|[HashNode]

|if|If, else, elif, unless and ternary conditions|Three children. First child is the expression node representing the condition; second child is an expression node representing the true condition; third child is an expression, node representing the false condition. `elif` will nest another `if` node as the third child. `question` and `colon` location keys will only exist for ternaries.|if foo; bar; else; baz; end|[IfNode]

|int|Integer literal|1, the integer value|-123|[IntNode]

|ivar|Instance variable access|One child, the variable name `:@foo`|@foo|N/A

|ivasgn|Instance variable assignment|Two children, the variable name `:@foo` and the expression being assigned|@foo = 5|[AsgnNode]

|irange|Inclusive range literal.|Two children, the start and end nodes (including `nil` for beginless/endless)|1..2|[RangeNode]

|kwarg|Required keyword argument. Must come inside an `args`.|One child - a symbol, representing the argument name.|def foo(bar:)|[ArgNode]

|kwbegin|Explicit `begin` block.|Child nodes are body statements.|begin,end|N/A

|kwnilarg|Double splat with nil in function definition, used to specify that the function does not accept keyword args. Must come inside an `args`.|None|def foo(**nil)|N/A

|kwoptarg|Optional keyword argument. Must come inside an `args`.|Two children - a symbol, representing the argument name, and an expression node for the value.|def foo(bar: 5)|[ArgNode]

|kwsplat|Double splat used for keyword arguments inside a function call (as opposed to a function definition).|One child, an expression.|foo(bar, **kwargs)|[KeywordSplatNode]

|kwrestargs|Double splat used for keyword arguments inside a function definition (as opposed to a function call). Must come inside an `args`.|One child - a symbol, representing the argument name, if a name is given. If no name given, it has no children..|def foo(**kwargs)|[ArgNode]

|lvar|Local variable access|One child, the variable name|foo|N/A

|lvasgn|Local variable assignment|Two children: The variable name (symbol) and the expression.|a = some_thing|[AsgnNode]

|masgn|Multiple assignment.|First set of children are all `mlhs` nodes, and the rest of the children must be expression nodes corresponding to the values in the `mlhs` nodes.|a, b, = [1, 2]|N/A

|mlhs|Multiple left-hand side. Used inside a `masgn` and block argument destructuring.|Children must all be assignment nodes. Represents the left side of a multiple assignment (`a, b` in the example).|a, b = 5, 6|N/A

|module|Module definition|Two children. First child is a `const` node for the module name. Second child is a body statement.|module Foo < Bar; end|[ModuleNode]

|next|next keyword|Zero or one child with an expression node for the results to be passed through the next|next 1|N/A

|nil|Nil literal|None|nil|N/A

|nth_ref|Regular expression capture group ($1, $2 etc.)|One child: The capture name, e.g. `:$1`|re = /foo(abc)/; $1|N/A

|numblock|Block that has numbered arguments (`_1`) referenced inside it.|Three children. First child is a `send`/`csend` node representing the way the block is created, second child is an `int` (the number of numeric arguments) and the third child is a body statement.|proc { _1 + _3 }|[BlockNode]

|op_asgn|Operator-assignment - perform an operation and assign the value.|Three children. First child must be an assignment node, second child is the operator (e.g. `:+`) and the third child is the expression node.|a += b|[OpAsgnNode]

|optarg|Optional positional argument. Must come inside an `args`.|One child - a symbol, representing the argument name.|def foo(bar=1)|[ArgNode]

|or|Or operator|Two children are both expression nodes representing the operands.|a or b|[OrNode]

|or_asgn|Or-assignment (OR the receiver with the argument and assign it back to receiver).|Two children. First child must be an assignment node, second child is the expression node.|a \|\|= b|[OrAsgnNode]

|pair|One entry in a hash. |Two children, the key and value nodes.|1 => 2|[PairNode]

|rational|Rational literal|One child, the Rational value|2.0r|N/A

|redo|Redo command|None|redo|N/A

|regexp|Regular expression literal.|Children are split into `str` nodes, with interpolation represented by separate expression nodes. The last child is a `regopt`.|/foo#\{bar\}56/|[RegexpNode]

|regopt|Regular expression option, appearing after a regexp literal (the "im" in the example).|A list of symbols representing the options (e.g. `:i` and `:m`)

|resbody|Exception rescue. Always occurs inside a `rescue` node.|Three children. First child is either `nil` or an array of expression nodes representing the exceptions to rescue. Second child is `nil` or an assignment node representing the value to save the exception into. Last child is a body statement.|begin; rescue Exception, A => bar; 1; end|[ResbodyNode]

|rescue|A rescue statement.May be "top-level" or may be nested inside an `ensure` block (if both rescue and ensure are in the block).|First node is a body statement. Last child is the "else" body statement, or `nil`. Remaining children are `resbody` nodes.|begin; rescue Exception, A => bar; 1; end|

|restarg|Positional splat argument. Must come inside an `args`.|One child - a symbol, representing the argument name (if given). If no name given, there are no children.|def foo(*rest)|[ArgNode]

|return|Return statement|Zero or one child, an expression node for the value to return.|return|[ReturnNode]

|sclass|Singleton class declaration.|Two children. The first child is the expression for the class being opened (e.g. `self`); second child is a body statement.|class << some_var|[SelfClassNode]

|self|Access to self|None|self|N/A

|send|Non-safe method invocation (i.e. top-level or using a dot)|First child is the receiver node (e.g. `self`), second child is the method name (e.g. `:foo=`)  and the remaining children (if any) are the arguments (expression nodes).
a|`foo` or ``|[SendNode]

|shadowarg|Shadow argument, aka block-local variable. Must come inside an `args`.|One child - a symbol, representing the argument name.|foo { \|a; b\| b }|[ArgNode]

|splat|Array or function argument * operator|One child, an expression.|*foo|N/A

|str|Non-interpolated string literal. The heredoc version works very differently from the regular version and the location info is totally separate.|One child, the String content.
|"hi mom"|[StrNode]

|super|Super method call with arguments and/or brackets.|Children are expression nodes representing arguments.|super(a, b, c)|[SuperNode]

|sym|Non-interpolated symbol|One child, the Symbol content.|`:foo`|[SymbolNode]

|true|True literal|None|true|N/A

|undef|Method undefinition|A list of `sym`, or `dsym` nodes representing method names to undefine.|undef :foo, :bar|N/A

|until|Negative loop with condition coming first.|Two children. First child is an expression node for condition, second child is a body statement.|until foo do bar; end|[UntilNode]

|until_post|Negative loop with condition coming last.|Two children. First child is an expression node for condition, second child is a body statement.|begin; foo; end until condition|[UntilNode]

|when|Case matching. Usually nested under `case` nodes.|Two children. First child is a regexp, expression node, or `splat` node for the condition. Second child is an expression node or `begin` node for the results.|when a then b|[WhenNode]

|while|Loop with condition coming first.|Two children. First child is an expression node for condition, second child is a body statement.|while foo do bar; end|[WhileNode]

|while_post|Loop with condition coming last.|Two children. First child is an expression node for condition, second child is a body statement.|begin; foo; end while condition|[WhileNode]

|xstr|Execute string (backticks). The heredoc version is treated totally differently from the regular version.|Children are split into `str` nodes, with interpolation represented by separate expression nodes .|\`date`|[StrNode]

|yield|Yield to a block.|Children are expression nodes representing arguments.|yield(foo)|[YieldNode]

|zsuper|Super method call with no arguments or brackets.|None|super|[SuperNode]
