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This is the biggest RuboCop release we've done in a while. The highlights include
about a dozen new cops, more cop configuration options, improved auto-correct and so many bugfixes.

You'll might note that we changed the use of `offence` with `offense`. This was done to keep the spelling
in our code consistent. Hopefully this won't cause anyone problems, but we're obliged to mention it as
the `Offence` class itself got renamed.

Below is the list of all the gory details. Enjoy!

## RuboCop 0.19.0

### New features

* New cop `FileName` makes sure that source files have snake_case names. ([@bbatsov][])
* New cop `DeprecatedClassMethods` checks for deprecated class methods. ([@bbatsov][])
* New cop `StringConversionInInterpolation` checks for redundant `Object#to_s` in string interpolation. ([@bbatsov][])
* New cop `LiteralInInterpolation` checks for interpolated string literals. ([@bbatsov][])
* New cop `SelfAssignment` checks for places where the self-assignment shorthand should have been used. ([@bbatsov][])
* New cop `DoubleNegation` checks for uses of `!!`. ([@bbatsov][])
* New cop `PercentLiteralDelimiters` enforces consistent usage of `%`-literal delimiters. ([@hannestyden][])
* New Rails cop `ActionFilter` enforces the use of `_filter` or `_action` action filter methods. ([@bbatsov][])
* New Rails cop `ScopeArgs` makes sure you invoke the `scope` method properly. ([@bbatsov][])
* Add `with_fixed_indentation` style to `AlignParameters` cop. ([@hannestyden][])
* Add `IgnoreLastArgumentHash` option to `AlignHash` cop. ([@hannestyden][])
* [#743]( `SingleLineMethods` cop does auto-correction. ([@jonas054][])
* [#743]( `Semicolon` cop does auto-correction. ([@jonas054][])
* [#743]( `EmptyLineBetweenDefs` cop does auto-correction. ([@jonas054][])
* [#743]( `IndentationWidth` cop does auto-correction. ([@jonas054][])
* [#743]( `IndentationConsistency` cop does auto-correction. ([@jonas054][])
* [#809]( New formatter `fuubar` displays a progress bar and shows details of offenses as soon as they are detected. ([@yujinakayama][])
* [#797]( New cop `IndentHash` checks the indentation of the first key in multi-line hash literals. ([@jonas054][])
* [#797]( New cop `IndentArray` checks the indentation of the first element in multi-line array literals. ([@jonas054][])
* [#806]( Now excludes files in `vendor/**` by default. ([@jeremyolliver][])
* [#795]( `IfUnlessModifier` and `WhileUntilModifier` supports `MaxLineLength`, which is independent of `LineLength` parameter `Max`. ([@agrimm][])
* [#868]( New cop `ClassAndModuleChildren` checks the style of children definitions at classes and modules: nested / compact. ([@geniou][])

### Changes

* [#793]( Add printing total count when `rubocop --format offences`. ([@ma2gedev][])
* Remove `Ignore` param from the Rails `Output` cop. The standard `Exclude/Include` should be used instead. ([@bbatsov][])
* Renamed `FavorSprintf` to `FormatString` and made it configurable. ([@bbatsov][])
* Renamed `Offence` to `Offense`. ([@bbatsov][])
* Use `offense` in all messages instead of `offence`. ([@bbatsov][])
* For indentation of `if`/`unless`/`while`/`until` bodies when the result is assigned to a variable, instead of supporting two styles simultaneously, `IndentationWidth` now supports one style of indentation at a time, specified by `EndAlignment`/`AlignWith`. ([@jonas054][])
* Renamed `Style` param of `DotPosition` cop to `EnforcedStyle`. ([@bbatsov][])
* Add `length` value to locations of offense in JSON formatter. ([@yujinakayama][])
* `SpaceAroundBlockBraces` cop replaced by `SpaceBeforeBlockBraces` and `SpaceInsideBlockBraces`. ([@jonas054][])
* `SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault` cop is now configurable with the `EnforcedStyle` option. ([@jonas054][])

### Bugs fixed

* [#790]( Fix auto-correction interference problem between `MethodDefParentheses` and other cops. ([@jonas054][])
* [#794]( Fix handling of modifier keywords with required parentheses in `ParenthesesAroundCondition`. ([@bbatsov][])
* [#804]( Fix a false positive with operator assignments in a loop (including `begin..rescue..end` with `retry`) in `UselessAssignment`. ([@yujinakayama][])
* [#815]( Fix a false positive for heredocs with blank lines in them in `EmptyLines`. ([@bbatsov][])
* Auto-correction is now more robust and less likely to die because of `RangeError` or "clobbering". ([@jonas054][])
* Offenses always reported in order of position in file, also during `--auto-correct` runs. ([@jonas054][])
* Fix problem with `[Corrected]` tag sometimes missing in output from `--auto-correct` runs. ([@jonas054][])
* Fix message from `EndAlignment` cop when `AlignWith` is `keyword`. ([@jonas054][])
* Handle `case` conditions in `LiteralInCondition`. ([@bbatsov][])
* [#822]( Fix a false positive in `DotPosition` when enforced style is set to `trailing`. ([@bbatsov][])
* Handle properly dynamic strings in `LineEndConcatenation`. ([@bbatsov][])
* [#832]( Fix auto-correction interference problem between `BracesAroundHashParameters` and `SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces`. ([@jonas054][])
* Fix bug in auto-correction of alignment so that only space can be removed. ([@jonas054][])
* Fix bug in `IndentationWidth` auto-correction so it doesn't correct things that `IndentationConsistency` should correct. ([@jonas054][])
* [#847]( Fix bug in `RegexpLiteral` concerning `--auto-gen-config`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#848]( Fix bug in `--show-cops` that made it print the default configuration rather than the current configuration. ([@jonas054][])
* [#862]( Fix a bug where single line `rubocop:disable` comments with indentations were treated as multiline cop disabling comments. ([@yujinakayama][])
* Fix a bug where `rubocop:disable` comments with a cop name including `all` (e.g. `MethodCallParentheses`) were disabling all cops. ([@yujinakayama][])
* Fix a bug where string and regexp literals including `# rubocop:disable` were confused with real comments. ([@yujinakayama][])
