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Test Coverage
There aren't many exciting new features this time around - our focus in 0.20 has been fixing most of the problems we
introduced in 0.19. Apart from that we've added a few new cops and implemented auto-correct for a bunch of the existing cops.
You'll also notice that the messages produced by most formatters a bit more colorful (and hopefully more readable as well).

You should also note that `AllCops/Includes` and `AllCops/Excludes` have been renamed, so you'll have to update your config files

Below is the list of all the gory details. Enjoy!

### New features

* New cop `GuardClause` checks for conditionals that can be replaced by guard clauses. ([@bbatsov][])
* New cop `EmptyInterpolation` checks for empty interpolation in double-quoted strings. ([@bbatsov][])
* [#899]( Make `LineEndConcatenation` cop `<<` aware. ([@mockdeep][])
* [#896]( New option `--fail-level` changes minimum severity for exit with error code. ([@hiroponz][])
* [#893]( New option `--force-exclusion` forces excluding files specified in the configuration `Exclude` even if they are explicitly passed as arguments. ([@yujinakayama][])
* `VariableInterpolation` cop does auto-correction. ([@bbatsov][])
* `Not` cop does auto-correction. ([@bbatsov][])
* `ClassMethods` cop does auto-correction. ([@bbatsov][])
* `StringConversionInInterpolation` cop does auto-correction. ([@bbatsov][])
* `NilComparison` cop does auto-correction. ([@bbatsov][])
* `NonNilComparison` cop does auto-correction. ([@bbatsov][])
* `NegatedIf` cop does auto-correction. ([@bbatsov][])
* `NegatedWhile` cop does auto-correction. ([@bbatsov][])
* New lint cop `SpaceBeforeFirstArg` checks for space between the method name and the first argument in method calls without parentheses. ([@jonas054][])
* New style cop `SingleSpaceBeforeFirstArg` checks that no more than one space is used between the method name and the first argument in method calls without parentheses. ([@jonas054][])
* New formatter `disabled_lines` displays cops and line ranges disabled by inline comments. ([@fshowalter][])
* New cop `UselessAccessModifiers` checks for access modifiers that have no effect. ([@fshowalter][])

### Changes

* [#913]( `FileName` accepts multiple extensions. ([@tamird][])
* `AllCops/Excludes` and `AllCops/Includes` were renamed to `AllCops/Exclude` and `AllCops/Include` for consistency with standard cop params. ([@bbatsov][])
* Extract `NonNilCheck` cop from `NilComparison`. ([@bbatsov][])
* Renamed `FavorJoin` to `ArrayJoin`. ([@bbatsov][])
* Renamed `FavorUnlessOverNegatedIf` to `NegatedIf`. ([@bbatsov][])
* Renamed `FavorUntilOverNegatedWhile`to `NegatedWhile`. ([@bbatsov][])
* Renamed `HashMethods` to `DeprecatedHashMethods`. ([@bbatsov][])
* Renamed `ReadAttribute` to `ReadWriteAttribute` and extended it to check for uses of `write_attribute`. ([@bbatsov][])
* Add experimental support for Ruby 2.2 (development version) by falling back to Ruby 2.1 parser. ([@yujinakayama][])

### Bugs fixed

* [#926]( Fixed `BlockNesting` not auto-generating correctly. ([@tmorris-fiksu][])
* [#904]( Fixed a NPE in `LiteralInInterpolation`. ([@bbatsov][])
* [#904]( Fixed a NPE in `StringConversionInInterpolation`. ([@bbatsov][])
* [#892]( Make sure `Include` and `Exclude` paths in a `.rubocop.yml` are interpreted as relative to the directory of that file. ([@jonas054][])
* [#906]( Fixed a false positive in `LiteralInInterpolation`. ([@bbatsov][])
* [#909]( Handle properly multiple `rescue` clauses in `SignalException`. ([@bbatsov][])
* [#876]( Do a deep merge of hashes when overriding default configuration in a `.rubocop.yml` file. ([@jonas054][])
* [#912]( Fix a false positive in `LineEndConcatenation` for `%` string literals. ([@bbatsov][])
* [#912]( Handle top-level constant resolution in `DeprecatedClassMethods` (e.g. `::File.exists?`). ([@bbatsov][])
* [#914]( Fixed rdoc error during gem installation. ([@bbatsov][])
* The `--only` option now enables the given cop in case it is disabled in configuration. ([@jonas054][])
* Fix path resolution so that the default exclusion of `vendor` directories works. ([@jonas054][])
* [#908]( Fixed hanging while auto correct for `SpaceAfterComma` and `SpaceInsideBrackets`. ([@hiroponz][])
* [#919]( Don't avoid auto-correction in `HashSyntax` when there is missing space around operator. ([@jonas054][])
* Fixed handling of floats in `NumericLiterals`. ([@bbatsov][])
* [#927]( Let `--auto-gen-config` overwrite an existing `rubocop-todo.yml` file instead of asking the user to remove it. ([@jonas054][])
* [#936]( Allow `_other` as well as `other` in `OpMethod`. ([@bbatsov][])
