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Test Coverage
This release brings a few new cops and extended auto-correction support. The most significant
change is that we've changed the syntax for excluding/including to be closer to that of shell globbing.

Below is the list of all the gory details. Enjoy!

### New features

* [#835]( New cop `UnneededCapitalW` checks for `%W` when interpolation not necessary and `%w` would do. ([@sfeldon][])
* [#934]( New cop `UnderscorePrefixedVariableName` checks for `_`-prefixed variables that are actually used. ([@yujinakayama][])
* [#934]( New cop `UnusedMethodArgument` checks for unused method arguments. ([@yujinakayama][])
* [#934]( New cop `UnusedBlockArgument` checks for unused block arguments. ([@yujinakayama][])
* [#964]( `RedundantBegin` cop does auto-correction. ([@tamird][])
* [#966]( `RescueException` cop does auto-correction. ([@tamird][])
* [#967]( `TrivialAccessors` cop does auto-correction. ([@tamird][])
* [#963]( Add `AllowDSLWriters` options to `TrivialAccessors`. ([@tamird][])
* [#969]( Let the `Debugger` cop check for forgotten calls to byebug. ([@bquorning][])
* [#971]( Configuration format deprecation warnings include the path to the problematic config file. ([@bcobb][])
* [#490]( Add EnforcedStyle config option to TrailingBlankLines. ([@jonas054][])
* Add `auto_correct` task to Rake integration. ([@irrationalfab][])
* [#986]( The `--only` option can take a comma-separated list of cops. ([@jonas054][])
* New Rails cop `Delegate` that checks for delegations that could be replaced by the `delegate` method. ([@geniou][])
* Add configuration to `Encoding` cop to only enforce encoding comment if there are non ASCII characters. ([@geniou][])

### Changes

* Removed `FinalNewline` cop as its check is now performed by `TrailingBlankLines`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#1011]( Pattern matching with `Dir#[]` for config parameters added. ([@jonas054][])

### Bugs fixed

* Update description on `LineEndConcatenation` cop. ([@mockdeep][])
* [#978]( Fix regression in `IndentationWidth` handling method calls. ([@tamird][])
* [#976]( Fix `EndAlignment` not handling element assignment correctly. ([@tamird][])
* [#976]( Fix `IndentationWidth` not handling element assignment correctly. ([@tamird][])
* [#800]( Do not report `[Corrected]` in `--auto-correct` mode if correction wasn't done. ([@jonas054][])
* [#968]( Fix bug when running RuboCop with `-c .rubocop.yml`. ([@bquorning][])
* [#975]( Fix infinite correction in `IndentationWidth`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#986]( When `--lint` is used together with `--only`, all lint cops are run in addition to the given cops. ([@jonas054][])
* [#997]( Fix handling of file paths for matching against `Exclude` property when `rubocop .` is called. ([@jonas054][])
* [#1000]( Support modifier (e.g., `private`) and `def` on the same line (Ruby >= 2.1) in `IndentationWidth`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#1001]( Fix `--auto-gen-config` logic for `RegexpLiteral`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#993]( Do not report any offenses for the contents of an empty file. ([@jonas054][])
* [#1016]( Fix a false positive in `ConditionPosition` regarding statement modifiers. ([@bbatsov][])
* [#1014]( Fix handling of strings nested in `dstr` nodes. ([@bbatsov][])
