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Test Coverage
### New features

* [#7274]( Add new `Lint/SendWithMixinArgument` cop. ([@koic][])
* [#7272]( Show warning message if passed string to `Enabled`, `Safe`, `SafeAutocorrect`, and `AutoCorrect` keys in .rubocop.yml. ([@unasuke][])
* [#7295]( Make it possible to set `StyleGuideBaseURL` per department. ([@koic][])
* [#7301]( Add check for calls to `remote_byebug` to `Lint/Debugger` cop. ([@riley-klingler][])
* [#7321]( Allow YAML aliases in `.rubocop.yml`. ([@raymondfallon][])
* [#7317]( Add new formatter `pacman`. ([@crojasaragonez][])
* [#6075]( Support `IgnoredPatterns` option for `Naming/MethodName` cop. ([@koic][])
* [#7335]( Add todo as an alias to disable. `--disable-uncorrectable` will now disable cops using `rubocop:todo` instead of `rubocop:disable`. ([@desheikh][])

### Bug fixes

* [#7256]( Fix an error of `Style/RedundantParentheses` on method calls where the first argument begins with a hash literal. ([@halfwhole][])
* [#7263]( Make `Layout/SpaceInsideArrayLiteralBrackets` properly handle tab-indented arrays. ([@buehmann][])
* [#7252]( Prevent infinite loops by making `Layout/SpaceInsideStringInterpolation` skip over interpolations that start or end with a line break. ([@buehmann][])
* [#7262]( `Lint/FormatParameterMismatch` did not recognize named format sequences like `%.2<name>f` where the name appears after some modifiers. ([@buehmann][])
* [#7253]( Fix an error for `Lint/NumberConversion` when `#to_i` called without a receiver. ([@koic][])
* [#7271](, [#6498]( Fix an interference between `Style/TrailingCommaIn*Literal` and `Layout/Multiline*BraceLayout` for arrays and hashes. ([@buehmann][])
* [#7241]( Make `Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment` match only true & false. ([@tejasbubane][])
* [#7290]( Handle inner conditional inside `else` in `Style/ConditionalAssignment`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#5788]( Allow block arguments on separate lines if line would be too long in `Layout/MultilineBlockLayout`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#7305]( Register `Style/BlockDelimiters` offense when block result is assigned to an attribute. ([@mvz][])
* [#4802]( Don't leave any `Lint/UnneededCopEnableDirective` offenses undetected/uncorrected. ([@jonas054][])
* [#7326]( Fix a false positive for `Style/AccessModifierDeclarations` when access modifier name is used for hash literal value. ([@koic][])
* [#3591]( Handle modifier `if`/`unless` correctly in `Lint/UselessAssignment`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#7161]( Fix `Style/SafeNavigation` cop for preserve comments inside if expression. ([@tejasbubane][])
* [#5212]( Avoid false positive for braces that are needed to preserve semantics in `Style/BracesAroundHashParameters`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#7353]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantSelf` when receiver and multiple assigned lvalue have the same name. ([@koic][])
* [#7353]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantSelf` when a self receiver is used as a method argument. ([@koic][])
* [#7358]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/NestedModifier` when parentheses are required in method arguments. ([@koic][])
* [#7361]( Fix a false positive for `Style/TernaryParentheses` when only the closing parenthesis is used in the last line of condition. ([@koic][])
* [#7369]( Fix an infinite loop error for `Layout/IndentAssignment` with `Layout/IndentFirstArgument` when using multiple assignment. ([@koic][])
* [#7177](, [#7370]( When correcting alignment, do not insert spaces into string literals. ([@buehmann][])
* [#7367]( Fix an error for `Style/OrAssignment` cop when `then` branch body is empty. ([@koic][])
* [#7363]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Layout/SpaceInsideBlockBraces` and `Style/BlockDelimiters` when using multiline empty braces. ([@koic][])
* [#7212]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier` and `UselessAccessModifier` when using method with the same name as access modifier around a method definition. ([@koic][])

### Changes

* [#7312]( Mark `Style/StringHashKeys` as unsafe. ([@prathamesh-sonpatki][])
* [#7275]( Make `Style/VariableName` aware argument names when invoking a method. ([@koic][])
* [#3534]( Make `Style/IfUnlessModifier` report and auto-correct modifier lines that are too long. ([@jonas054][])
* [#7261]( `Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment` no longer inserts an empty line after the comment. This is left to `Layout/EmptyLineAfterMagicComment`. ([@buehmann][])
* [#7091]( `Style/FormatStringToken` now detects format sequences with flags and modifiers. ([@buehmann][])
* [#7319]( Rename `IgnoredMethodPatterns` option to `IgnoredPatterns` option for `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses`. ([@koic][])
* [#7345]( Mark unsafe for `Style/YodaCondition`. ([@koic][])
