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Test Coverage
### New features

* [#8322]( Support autocorrect for `Style/CaseEquality` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#7876]( Enhance `Gemspec/RequiredRubyVersion` cop with check that `required_ruby_version` is specified. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8291]( Add new `Lint/SelfAssignment` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8389]( Add new `Lint/DuplicateRescueException` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8433]( Add new `Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8430]( Add new `Lint/UnreachableLoop` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8412]( Add new `Style/OptionalBooleanParameter` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8432]( Add new `Lint/FloatComparison` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8376]( Add new `Lint/MissingSuper` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8415]( Add new `Style/ExplicitBlockArgument` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8383]( Support autocorrect for `Lint/Loop` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8339]( Add `Config#for_badge` as an efficient way to get a cop's config merged with its department's. ([@marcandre][])
* [#5067]( Add new `Style/StringConcatenation` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#7425]( Add new `Lint/TopLevelReturnWithArgument` cop. ([@iamravitejag][])
* [#8417]( Add new `Style/GlobalStdStream` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#7949]( Add new `Style/SingleArgumentDig` cop. ([@volfgox][])
* [#8341]( Add new `Lint/EmptyConditionalBody` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#7755](  Add new `Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef` cop. ([@sonalinavlakhe][])

### Bug fixes

* [#8346]( Allow parentheses in single-line inheritance with `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses` `EnforcedStyle: omit_parentheses` to fix invalid Ruby auto-correction. ([@gsamokovarov][])
* [#8324]( Fix crash for `Layout/SpaceAroundMethodCallOperator` when using `Proc#call` shorthand syntax. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8332]( Fix auto-correct in `Style/ConditionalAssignment` to preserve constant namespace. ([@biinari][])
* [#8344]( Fix crash for `Style/CaseLikeIf` when checking against `equal?` and `match?` without a receiver. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8323]( Fix a false positive for `Style/HashAsLastArrayItem` when hash is not a last array item. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8299]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/RedundantCondition` when using `raise`, `rescue`, or `and` without argument parentheses in `else`. ([@koic][])
* [#8335]( Fix incorrect character class detection for nested or POSIX bracket character classes in `Style/RedundantRegexpEscape`. ([@owst][])
* [#8347]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets` of `Style/HashSyntax` with `Layout/HashAlignment`. ([@koic][])
* [#8375]( Fix an infinite loop error for `Style/EmptyMethod`. ([@koic][])
* [#8385]( Remove auto-correction for `Lint/EnsureReturn`. ([@marcandre][])
* [#8391]( Mark `Style/ArrayCoercion` as not safe. ([@marcandre][])
* [#8406]( Improve `Style/AccessorGrouping`'s auto-correction to remove redundant blank lines. ([@koic][])
* [#8330]( Fix a false positive for `Style/MissingRespondToMissing` when defined method with inline access modifier. ([@koic][])
* [#8422]( Fix an error for `Lint/SelfAssignment` when using or-assignment for constant. ([@koic][])
* [#8423]( Fix an error for `Style/SingleArgumentDig` when without a receiver. ([@koic][])
* [#8424]( Fix an error for `Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier` when there is `begin...end` before a method definition. ([@koic][])
* [#8006]( Fix line length calculation for `Style/IfUnlessModifier` to correctly take into account code before the if condition when considering conversation to a single-line form. ([@dsavochkin][])
* [#8283]( Fix line length calculation for `Style/IfUnlessModifier` to correctly take into account a comment on the first line when considering conversation to a single-line form. ([@dsavochkin][])
* [#7957]( Fix line length calculation for `Style/IfUnlessModifier` to correctly take into account code on the last line after the end keyword when considering conversion to a single-line form. ([@dsavochkin][])
* [#8226]( Fix `Style/IfUnlessModifier` to add parentheses when converting if-end condition inside an array or a hash to a single-line form. ([@dsavochkin][])
* [#8443]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/StructInheritance` when there is a comment before class declaration. ([@koic][])
* [#8444]( Fix an error for `Layout/FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak` when using kwargs in `super`. ([@koic][])

### Changes

* [#8376]( `Style/MethodMissingSuper` cop is removed in favor of new `Lint/MissingSuper` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8433]( `Lint/UselessComparison` cop is removed in favor of new `Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands` cop. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8350]( Set default max line length to 120 for `Style/MultilineMethodSignature`. ([@koic][])
* [#8338]( **potentially breaking**. Config#for_department now returns only the config specified for that department; the 'Enabled' attribute is no longer calculated. ([@marcandre][])
* [#8037]( **(Breaking)** Cop `Metrics/AbcSize` now counts ||=, &&=, multiple assignments, for, yield, iterating blocks. `&.` now count as conditions too (unless repeated on the same variable). Default bumped from 15 to 17. Consider using `rubocop -a --disable-uncorrectable` to ease transition. ([@marcandre][])
* [#8276]( Cop `Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity` not longer counts `&.` when repeated on the same variable. ([@marcandre][])
* [#8204]( **(Breaking)** Cop `Metrics/PerceivedComplexity` now counts `else` in `case` statements, `&.`, `||=`, `&&=` and blocks known to iterate. Default bumped from 7 to 8. Consider using `rubocop -a --disable-uncorrectable` to ease transition. ([@marcandre][])
* [#8416]( Cop `Lint/InterpolationCheck` marked as unsafe. ([@marcandre][])
* [#8442]( Remove `RuboCop::Cop::ParserDiagnostic` mixin module. ([@koic][])
