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Test Coverage
### New features

* [#4182]( Add `Lint/AmbiguousRange` cop to check for ranges with ambiguous boundaries. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10000]( Parallel static analysis by default. ([@koic][])
* [#9948]( Support Ruby 2.7's pattern matching for `Style/ConditionalAssignment` cop. ([@koic][])
* [#9999]( Add new `Style/RedundantSelfAssignmentBranch` cop. ([@koic][])

### Bug fixes

* [#9927]( Indent hash values in `Layout/LineEndStringConcatenationIndentation`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#9959]( Make `Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches` able to handle ternary `if`s. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#9946]( Avoid slow regexp matches in `Style/CommentedKeyword`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#7422]( Treat constant assignment like other assignment in `Layout/SpaceAroundOperators`. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#9953]( Fix an infinite loop error and a false auto-correction behavior for `Layout/EndAlignment` when using a conditional statement in a method argument. ([@koic][])
* [#9958]( Prevent an infinite loop when a detected method has fewer arguments than expected. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#9977]( Update `Layout/EmptyLineAfterGuardClause` to not register an offense if there is another expression following the guard clause on the same line. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#9980]( Fix a false positive for `Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches` when assigning to a variable used in a condition. ([@koic][])
* [#9975]( Parentheses are always required for `Style/MethodDefParentheses` when a forwarding argument (`...`) is used. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#9984]( Fix false negatives involving heredocs for `Layout/SpaceBeforeComma`, `Layout/SpaceBeforeComment`, `Layout/SpaceBeforeSemicolon` and `Layout/SpaceInsideParens`. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#9954]( Fix infinite loop error for `Layout/HashAlignment` when `EnforcedStyle: with_fixed_indentation` is specified for `Layout/ArgumentAlignment`. ([@koic][])
* [#10002]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral` when using nested method arguments without parentheses. ([@koic][])
* [#9952]( [rubocop-rspec#1126]( Fix `inherit_mode` for deeply nested configuration defined in extensions' default configuration. ([@pirj][])
* [#9957]( Add `WholeWord` configuration to `Naming/InclusiveLanguage`'s `FlaggedTerms` config. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#9970]( Don't register an offense when sort method has arguments for `Style/RedundantSort` cop. ([@mtsmfm][])
* [#4097]( Add require English for special globals. ([@biinari][])
* [#9955]( Fix `Style/ExplicitBlockArgument` adding a second set of parentheses. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#9973]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment` when aligned `rescue` keyword and leading dot. ([@koic][])
* [#9945]( Fix auto-correction of lines in heredocs with only spaces in `Layout/TrailingWhitespace`. ([@jonas054][])

### Changes

* [#9989]( Mark `Style/CommentedKeyword` as unsafe auto-correction. ([@koic][])
* [#9964]( Make `Layout/LeadingCommentSpace` aware of `#:nodoc`. ([@koic][])
* [#9985]( Mark `Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches` as unsafe auto-correction. ([@koic][])
* [#9962]( Update `Style/WordArray` to register an offense in `percent` style if any values contain spaces. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#9979]( Enable basic autocorrection for `Style/Semicolon`. ([@dvandersluis][])
