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Test Coverage
### Bug fixes

* [#12274]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/Void` when `each`'s receiver is an object of `Enumerator` to which `filter` has been applied. ([@koic][])
* [#12291]( Fix a false positive for `Metrics/ClassLength` when a class with a singleton class definition. ([@koic][])
* [#12293]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantDoubleSplatHashBraces` when using double splat hash braces with `merge` and method chain. ([@koic][])
* [#12298]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantParentheses` when using a parenthesized hash literal as the first argument in a method call without parentheses. ([@koic][])
* [#12283]( Fix an error for `Style/SingleLineDoEndBlock` when using single line `do`...`end` with no body. ([@koic][])
* [#12312]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/HashSyntax` when braced hash key and value are the same and it is used in `if`...`else`. ([@koic][])
* [#12307]( Fix an infinite loop error for `Layout/EndAlignment` when `EnforcedStyleAlignWith: variable` and using a conditional statement in a method argument on the same line and `end` with method call is not aligned. ([@koic][])
* [#11652]( Make `--auto-gen-config` generate `inherit_from` correctly inside ERB `if`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#12310]( Drop `base64` gem from runtime dependency. ([@koic][])
* [#12300]( Fix an error for `Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches` when `if`...`else` with identical leading lines and using index assign. ([@koic][])
* [#12286]( Fix false positives for `Style/RedundantDoubleSplatHashBraces` when using double splat with a hash literal enclosed in parenthesized ternary operator. ([@koic][])
* [#12279]( Fix false positives for `Lint/EmptyConditionalBody` when missing 2nd `if` body with a comment. ([@koic][])
* [#12275]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantDoubleSplatHashBraces` when using double splat within block argument containing a hash literal in an array literal. ([@koic][])
* [#12284]( Fix false positives for `Style/SingleArgumentDig` when using some anonymous argument syntax. ([@koic][])
* [#12301]( Make `Style/RedundantFilterChain` aware of safe navigation operator. ([@koic][])
