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Test Coverage
### New features

* [#12682]( Add `--editor-mode` CLI option. ([@koic][])
* [#12657]( Support `AutoCorrect: contextual` option for LSP. ([@koic][])
* [#12273]( Make `OffenseCountFormatter` display autocorrection information. ([@koic][])
* [#12679]( Publish `RuboCop::LSP.enable` API to enable LSP mode. ([@koic][])
* [#12699]( Support searching for `.rubocop.yml` and `rubocop/config.yml` in compliance with dot-config. ([@koic][])

### Bug fixes

* [#12720]( Fix a false positive for `Style/ArgumentsForwarding` when using block arg forwarding to within block with Ruby 3.3.0. ([@koic][])
* [#12714]( Fix an error for `Gemspec/RequiredRubyVersion` when `required_ruby_version` is specified with `` and is higher than `TargetRubyVersion`. ([@koic][])
* [#12690]( Fix an error for `Style/CaseLikeIf` when using `==` with literal and using ternary operator. ([@koic][])
* [#12668]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Lint/EmptyConditionalBody` when missing `if` body with conditional `else` body. ([@koic][])
* [#12683]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/MapCompactWithConditionalBlock` when using guard clause with `next` implicitly nil. ([@koic][])
* [#12693]( Fix an incorrect autocorrect for `Style/ObjectThen` when using `yield_self` without receiver. ([@koic][])
* [#12646]( Fix `--auto-gen-config` bug for `Layout/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#12717]( Fix regexp for inline disable comments in `Style/CommentedKeyword`. ([@jonas054][])
* [#12695]( Fix bug in `Include` from inherited file in a parent directory. ([@jonas054][])
* [#12656]( Fix an error for `Layout/RedundantLineBreak` when using index access call chained on multiline hash literal. ([@koic][])
* [#12691]( Fix an error for `Style/MultilineTernaryOperator` when nesting multiline ternary operators. ([@koic][])
* [#12707]( Fix false negative for `Style/RedundantAssignment` when using pattern matching. ([@koic][])
* [#12674]( Fix false negatives for `Style/RedundantReturn` when using pattern matching. ([@koic][])
* [#12673]( Fix false negatives for `Lint/RedundantSafeNavigation` when using safe navigation operator for literal receiver. ([@koic][])
* [#12719]( Fix false negatives for `Style/ArgumentsForwarding` when using forwardable block arguments with Ruby 3.2+. ([@koic][])
* [#12687]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/Void` when `each` block with conditional expressions that has multiple statements. ([@koic][])
* [#12649]( Fix false positives for `Style/InverseMethods` when using relational comparison operator with safe navigation. ([@koic][])
* [#12711]( Handle implicit receivers in `Style/InvertibleUnlessCondition`. ([@sambostock][])
* [#12648]( Fix numblock regressions in `omit_parentheses` `Style/MethodCallWithArgsParentheses`. ([@gsamokovarov][])

### Changes

* [#12641]( Make error message clearer when the namespace is incorrect. ([@maruth-stripe][])
* [#12637]( Mark `Style/RaiseArgs` as unsafe. ([@r7kamura][])
* [#12645]( Change source order for target ruby to check gemspec after RuboCop configuration. ([@jenshenny][])
