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#### Features

* Your contribution here.

#### Fixes

* Your contribution here.

### ### 1.0.1 (2024-04-10)

#### Fixes

* [#381]( Fix `expose_nil: false` when using a block - [@magni-](

### ### 1.0.0 (2023-02-16)

#### Fixes

**Breaking change:**
* [#352]( Remove `FetchableObject` behavior. - [@danielvdao](
* [#371]( Allow default exposed value to be `false` or any empty data - [@norydev](

### 0.10.2 (2022-07-29)

#### Fixes

* [#366]( Don't suppress regular ArgumentError exceptions - [splattael](
* [#363]( Fix typo - [@OuYangJinTing](
* [#361]( Require 'active_support/core_ext' - [@pravi](

### 0.10.1 (2021-10-22)

#### Fixes

* [#359]( Respect `hash_access` setting when using `expose_nil: false` option - [@magni-](

### 0.10.0 (2021-09-15)

#### Features

* [#352]( Add Default value option - [@ahmednaguib](

#### Fixes

* [#355]( Fix infinite loop problem with the `NameErrors` in block exposures - [@meinac](

### 0.9.0 (2021-03-20)

#### Features

* [#346]( Ruby 3 support - [@LeFnord](

### 0.8.2 (2020-11-08)

#### Fixes

* [#340]( Preparations for 3.0 - [@LeFnord](
* [#338]( Fix ruby 2.7 deprecation warning - [@begotten63](

### 0.8.1 (2020-07-15)

#### Fixes

* [#336]( Pass options to delegators when they accept it - [@dnesteryuk](
* [#333]( Fix typo in - [@eitoball](

### 0.8.0 (2020-02-18)

#### Features

* [#307]( Allow exposures to call methods defined in modules included in an entity - [@robertoz-01](
* [#319]( Support hashes with string keys - [@mhenrixon](
* [#300]( Loosens activesupport to 3 - [@ericschultz](

#### Fixes

* [#330]( CI: use Ruby 2.5.7, 2.6.5, 2.7.0 - [@budnik](
* [#329]( Option expose_nil doesn't work when block is passed - [@serbiant](
* [#320]( Gemspec: drop eol'd property rubyforge_project - [@olleolleolle](
* [#307]( Allow exposures to call methods defined in modules included in an entity - [@robertoz-01](

### 0.7.1 (2018-01-30)

#### Features

* [#297]( Introduce `override` option for expose (fixes [#286]( - [@DmitryTsepelev](

### 0.7.0 (2018-01-25)

#### Features

* [#287]( Adds ruby 2.5, drops ruby 2.2 support - [@LeFnord](
* [#277]( Provide grape::entity::options#dig - [@kachick](
* [#265]( Adds ability to provide a proc to as: - [@james2m](
* [#264]( Adds Rubocop config and todo list - [@james2m](
* [#255]( Adds code coverage w/ coveralls - [@LeFnord](
* [#268]( Loosens the version dependency for activesupport - [@anakinj](
* [#293]( Adds expose_nil option - [@b-boogaard](

#### Fixes

* [#288]( Fix wrong argument exception when `&:block` passed to the expose method  - [@DmitryTsepelev](
* [#291]( Refactor and simplify various classes and modules  - [@DmitryTsepelev](
* [#292]( Allow replace non-conditional non-nesting exposures in child classes (fixes  [#286]( - [@DmitryTsepelev](

### 0.6.1 (2017-01-09)

#### Features

* [#253]( Adds ruby 2.4.0 support, updates dependencies - [@LeFnord](

#### Fixes

* [#251]( Avoid noise when code runs with Ruby warnings - [@cpetschnig](

### 0.6.0 (2016-11-20)

#### Features

* [#247]( Updates dependencies; refactores to make specs green - [@LeFnord](

#### Fixes

* [#249]( Fix leaking of options and internals in default serialization - [@dblock](, [@KingsleyKelly](
* [#248]( Fix `nil` values causing errors when `merge` option passed - [@arempe93](

### 0.5.2 (2016-11-14)

#### Features

* [#226]( Added `fetch` from `opts_hash` - [@alanjcfs](
* [#232](, [#213]( Added `#kind_of?` and `#is_a?` to `OutputBuilder` to get an exact class of an `output` object - [@avyy](
* [#234](, [#233]( Added ruby version checking in `Gemfile` to install needed gems versions for supporting old rubies too - [@avyy](
* [#237]( Added Danger, PR linter - [@dblock](

#### Fixes

* [#215]( `#delegate_attribute` no longer delegates to methods included with `Kernel` - [@maltoe](
* [#219]( Double pass options in `serializable_hash` - [@sbatykov](
* [#231](, [#215]( Allow `delegate_attribute` for derived entity - [@sbatykov](

### 0.5.1 (2016-4-4)

#### Features

* [#203]( `Grape::Entity::Exposure::NestingExposure::NestedExposures.delete_if` always returns exposures - [@rngtng](
* [#204](, [#138]( Added ability to merge fields into hashes/root (`:merge` option for `.expose`) - [@avyy](

#### Fixes

* [#202]( Reset `@using_class` memoization on `.setup` - [@rngtng](

### 0.5.0 (2015-12-07)

#### Features

* [#139]( Keep a track of attribute nesting path during condition check or runtime exposure - [@calfzhou](
* [#151]( `.exposures` is removed and substituted with `.root_exposures` array - [@marshall-lee](
* [#151]( `.nested_exposures` is removed too - [@marshall-lee](
* [#151]( `#should_return_attribute?`, `#only_fields` and `#except_fields` are moved to other classes - [@marshall-lee](
* [#151]( Nested `unexpose` now raises an exception: [#152]( - [@marshall-lee](

#### Fixes

* [#151]( Double exposures with conditions does not rewrite previously defined now: [#56]( - [@marshall-lee](
* [#151]( Nested exposures were flattened in `.documentation`: [#112]( - [@marshall-lee](
* [#151]( `@only_fields` and `@except_fields` memoization: [#149]( - [@marshall-lee](
* [#151]( `:unless` condition with `Hash` argument logic: [#150]( - [@marshall-lee](
* [#151]( `@documentation` memoization: [#153]( - [@marshall-lee](
* [#151]( Serializing of deeply nested presenter exposures: [#155]( - [@marshall-lee](
* [#151]( Deep projections (`:only`, `:except`) were unaware of nesting: [#156]( - [@marshall-lee](

### 0.4.8 (2015-08-10)

#### Features

* [#167](, [#166]( Regression with global settings (exposures, formatters) on `Grape::Entity` - [@marshall-lee](

### 0.4.7 (2015-08-03)

#### Features

* [#164]( Regression: entity instance methods were exposed with `NoMethodError`: [#163]( - [@marshall-lee](

### 0.4.6 (2015-07-27)

#### Features

* [#114]( Added 'only' option that selects which attributes should be returned - [@estevaoam](
* [#115]( Allowing 'root' to be inherited from parent to child entities - [@guidoprincess](
* [#121]( Sublcassed Entity#documentation properly handles unexposed params - [@dan-corneanu](
* [#134]( Subclasses no longer affected in all cases by `unexpose` in parent - [@etehtsea](
* [#135]( Added `except` option - [@dan-corneanu](
* [#136]( Allow for strings in `only` and `except` options - [@bswinnerton](
* [#147](, [#140]( Expose `safe` attributes as `nil` if they cannot be evaluated - [@marshall-lee](
* [#147]( Remove catching of `NoMethodError` because it can occur deep inside in a method call so this exception does not mean that attribute not exist - [@marshall-lee](
* [#147]( The `valid_exposures` method was removed - [@marshall-lee](

#### Fixes

* [#147](, [#142]( Private method values were not exposed with `safe` option - [@marshall-lee](

### 0.4.5 (2015-03-10)

#### Features

* [#109]( Added `unexpose` method - [@jonmchan](
* [#98]( Added nested conditionals - [@zbelzer](
* [#105]( Specify which attribute is missing in which Entity - [@jhollinger](

#### Fixes

* [#111]( Allow usage of attributes with name 'key' if `Hash` objects are used - [@croeck](
* [#110]( Safe exposure when using `Hash` models - [@croeck](
* [#91]( OpenStruct serializing - [@etehtsea](

### 0.4.4 (2014-08-17)

#### Features

* [#85]( Added `present_collection` to indicate that an `Entity` presents an entire Collection - [@dspaeth-faber](
* [#85]( Hashes can now be passed as object to be presented and the `Hash` keys can be referenced by expose - [@dspaeth-faber](

### 0.4.3 (2014-06-12)

#### Features

* [#76]( Improve performance of entity serialization - [@justfalter](

#### Fixes

* [#77]( Compatibility with Rspec 3 - [@justfalter](

### 0.4.2 (2014-04-03)

#### Features

* [#60]( Performance issues introduced by nested exposures - [@AlexYankee](
* [#60]( Nested exposure double-exposes a field - [@AlexYankee](

### 0.4.1 (2014-02-13)

#### Fixes

* [#54]( Fix: undefined method `to_set` - [@aj0strow](

### 0.4.0 (2014-01-27)

#### Features

* Ruby 1.8.x is no longer supported - [@dblock](
* [#36]( Enforcing Ruby style guidelines via Rubocop - [@dblock](
* [#7]( Added `serializable` option to `represent` - [@mbleigh](
* [#18]( Added `safe` option to `expose`, will not raise error for a missing attribute - [@fixme](
* [#16]( Added `using` option to `expose SYMBOL BLOCK` - [@fahchen](
* [#24]( Return documentation with `as` param considered - [@drakula2k](
* [#27]( Properly serialize hashes - [@clintonb](
* [#28]( Look for method on entity before calling it on the object - [@MichaelXavier](
* [#33]( Support proper merging of nested conditionals - [@wyattisimo](
* [#43]( Call procs in context of entity instance - [@joelvh](
* [#47]( Support nested exposures - [@wyattisimo](
* [#46](, [#50]( Added support for specifying the presenter class in `using` in string format - [@larryzhao](
* [#51]( Raise `ArgumentError` if an unknown option is used with `expose` - [@aj0strow](
* [#51]( Alias `:with` to `:using`, consistently with the Grape api endpoints - [@aj0strow](

### 0.3.0 (2013-03-29)

#### Features

* [#9]( Added `with_options` for block-level exposure setting - [@SegFaultAX](
* The `instance.entity` method now optionally accepts `options` - [@mbleigh](
* You can pass symbols to `:if` and `:unless` to simply check for truthiness/falsiness of the specified options key - [@mbleigh](

### 0.2.0 (2013-01-11)

#### Features

* Moved the namespace back to `Grape::Entity` to preserve compatibility with Grape - [@dblock](

### 0.1.0 (2013-01-11)

* Initial public release - [@agileanimal](