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# Changelog

## [v4.3.0]( (2024-03-26)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- json-schema.gemspec: add metadata links [\#510]( ([olleolleolle](

## [v4.2.0]( (2024-03-15)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Ensure compatibility with `ruby --enable-frozen-string-literal` [\#508]( ([casperisfine](

## [v4.1.1]( (2023-09-15)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add dummy CI job we can depend on [\#503]( ([bastelfreak](
- build\(deps\): bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 [\#502]( ([dependabot[bot]](
- dependabot: check for github actions and gems [\#501]( ([bastelfreak](

## [v4.1.0]( (2023-09-15)

[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add `allPropertiesRequired` and `noAdditionalProperties` options [\#494]( ([a-lavis](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Integer as string should be defined as string [\#497]( ([mohanapriya2308](
- Handling allOf error message [\#495]( ([anupama-kumari](

## [v4.0.0]( (2023-04-24)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- Removed `data` ivar from JSON::Validator so that multiple `validate` call become faster [\#465]( ([ganmacs](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Fix more rubocop violations [\#484]( ([bastelfreak](
- Fix multiple rubocop violations [\#483]( ([bastelfreak](
- Add Ruby 3.2 to CI matrix [\#482]( ([bastelfreak](
- Enable RuboCop in CI [\#480]( ([bastelfreak](
- docs: mention draft 06 support [\#476]( ([levenleven](
- Add const validator to draft6. [\#425]( ([torce](
- Add propertyNames validator to draft6 [\#407]( ([torce](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Changed draft-06 url back from /draft/schema\# to /draft-06/schema\# [\#388]( ([iainbeeston](

**Merged pull requests:**

- fix more rubocop violations [\#490]( ([bastelfreak](
- fix rubocop whitespace violations [\#489]( ([bastelfreak](
- Fix more rubocop violations [\#488]( ([bastelfreak](
- rubocop: Fix Style/HashSyntax [\#487]( ([bastelfreak](
- CI: Run on PRs and merges to master [\#486]( ([bastelfreak](
- rubocop: Fix Style/StringLiterals [\#485]( ([bastelfreak](
- CI: Only run on pull requests & Use latest GitHub workflows [\#481]( ([bastelfreak](

## [v3.0.0]( (2022-05-03)

[Full Changelog](

**Breaking changes:**

- json-schema.gemspec: Raise required ruby version to 2.5  [\#466]( ([bastelfreak](
- Call directly / Drop Ruby 2.4 support [\#462]( ([bastelfreak](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add const attribute support [\#471]( ([jeremie-stripe](
- Add truffleruby/jruby to CI [\#469]( ([bastelfreak](
- Add Ruby 3.1 to CI matrix [\#468]( ([bastelfreak](
- Add Ruby 3.0 to CI matrix [\#467]( ([bastelfreak](
- Allow resolution of fragments with escaped parts [\#463]( ([bastelfreak](
- Add Ruby 2.6/2.7 support [\#457]( ([bastelfreak](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Bugfix: Fix fragment when used with extended schema [\#464]( ([bastelfreak](

**Closed issues:**

- Failure/Error: require 'json-schema-rspec', cannot load such file -- multi\_json [\#448](
- Allow type or null? [\#441](
- type for NilClass [\#428](
- It would be very useful if the required property name was included in the error object [\#417](
- Uninitialized constant JSON::Validator::Timeout [\#384](

**Merged pull requests:**

- update;  migrate to GitHub actions [\#456]( ([bastelfreak](
- Update json-schema.gemspec; require addressable 2.8 and newer [\#455]( ([ahsandar](
- Update [\#444]( ([cagmz](
- Load VERSION.yml from relative path, so that developers can use "bundle config local.json-schema"  [\#419]( ([ndbroadbent](
- Fix typo in Changelog \(2019 =\> 2018\) [\#418]( ([ndbroadbent](
- Made sure we require timeout before using it [\#385]( ([iainbeeston](
- webmock 3 drops ruby 1.9 support; specify this in its gemfile [\#383]( ([notEthan](
- Refactor common test suite [\#377]( ([iainbeeston](
- Corrected the draf6 schema id [\#376]( ([iainbeeston](
- Added a rake task to automatically download the latest metaschemas [\#375]( ([iainbeeston](
- Re-enabled test warnings [\#374]( ([iainbeeston](
- Fix for string invalid scheme error when string contains colon [\#373]( ([benSlaughter](
- Added simplecov [\#343]( ([iainbeeston](
- Extracted all limits out to their own file [\#342]( ([iainbeeston](

## [v2.8.1]( (2018-10-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Version 2.8.1 Patch release? [\#415](
- possible to enforce schema ? [\#410](
- undefined method `each' for "\<property\>":String [\#409](
- Documentation Request: How do I validate the schema itself? [\#398](
- :errors\_as\_objects can never be false in base\_schema.validate [\#392](
- too complex [\#390](
- Release 2.8.0 of the gem is missing a tag in the repo [\#389](
- Remove trailing whitespaces [\#378](
- Failure on 'allOf' validation message output is too generic [\#320](

## [v2.8.0]( (2017-02-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- JSON::Validator.fully\_validate\(filename, data\) fails when trying to parse filename as JSON [\#366](
- 2.7.0 fails validating not required fields [\#364](
- Unable to activate json-schema-2.6.2, because addressable-2.4.0 conflicts with addressable \(~\> 2.3.8\) [\#356](
- Missing comma after empty array not detected as invalid [\#352](
- JSON::Util::URI.parse memory leak [\#329](
- additionalProperties is tested and implemented incorrectly [\#321](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Updated ruby versions for travis [\#372]( ([iainbeeston](
- Load local copy of draft schemas [\#362]( ([iainbeeston](
- Made sure clear\_cache also clears the cache of parsed uris [\#361]( ([iainbeeston](
- Simplified `#validator_for` methods [\#346]( ([iainbeeston](
- Moved Validator\#absolutized\_uri and RefAttribute's ref parsing into the URI module [\#345]( ([iainbeeston](
- Deprecated `JSON::Validator#validate2` [\#336]( ([iainbeeston](
- Deprecated \#extend\_schema\_definition [\#335]( ([iainbeeston](
- Use self or self.class rather than fully qualified class names [\#333]( ([iainbeeston](
- Stopped the additional properties test from using class\_eval [\#332]( ([iainbeeston](

## [v2.7.0]( (2016-09-29)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Test failure due to update in JSON-Schema-Test-Suite [\#357](
- addressable conflict [\#355](
- String "uri" format validation doesn't work [\#353](
- How I can set string format by uri or email? [\#351](
- Whitelisting properties [\#331](
- How to build a complex schema when using with Rails [\#328](
- Issues validating objects with oneOf [\#327](
- Trouble with Oj parser on parse error [\#305](
- tests failing with ruby 2.2 uninitialized constant JSONSchemaDraft1Test::ArrayValidation \(NameError\) [\#262](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Made it possible to have a property named "$ref" [\#360]( ([iainbeeston](
- Use latest json-schema draft in tests by default [\#359]( ([iainbeeston](
- Restricted the ruby 1.9 build to json \< 2 [\#350]( ([iainbeeston](
- Item partial tuples [\#348]( ([jlfaber](
- Removed the ruby 1.8 build from travis [\#340]( ([iainbeeston](
- Made sure all validate methods go through the same call chain [\#338]( ([iainbeeston](
- Fixed issues with caching [\#334]( ([iainbeeston](
- Allow addressable 2.4+ to work with json-schema [\#312]( ([iainbeeston](
- Tidy up tests [\#290]( ([iainbeeston](

## [v2.6.2]( (2016-05-13)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- "required" array in sub schema not being checked [\#325](
- optional attributes are not being parsed as optional [\#324](
- JSON pointers are broken when they contain a `:`  [\#319](
- MultiJSON receives filepath instead of its content [\#318](
- Chef DK installs addressable 2.4.0 which conflicts with the requirement for 2.3.8 for json-schema [\#317](
- Empty array \(incorrectly?\) triggering ValidationError [\#311](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Made it possible to have refs that include URI-special characters [\#322]( ([iainbeeston](
- Reformatted the examples to make them easier to read [\#316]( ([iainbeeston](

## [v2.6.1]( (2016-02-26)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- uninitialized constant JSON::Validator::SchemaParseError [\#307](
- How can I perform more complex validations [\#306](
- `fully_validate` // `anyOf`, `typeOf`, `allOf` don't raise validation errors when using `record_errors: true` [\#300](
- Feature Request: provide ref-like path for allOf/oneOf matches if validation fails. [\#298](
- NameError: uninitialized constant JSON::Validator::SchemaParseError [\#292](
- oneOf and patternProperties validates incorrectly [\#291](
- Validate a schema [\#287](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update [\#308]( ([cassidycodes](
- Convert readme to markdown [\#302]( ([lencioni](
- Made sure we include the module name for SchemaParseErrors [\#293]( ([iainbeeston](

## [v2.6.0]( (2016-01-08)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- How to validate data with only part of my schema [\#288](
- Addressable::Uri does not raise error on invalid strings [\#282](
- typeOf array doesn't validate references [\#281](
- register\_format\_validator doesn't add format to @@default\_validator [\#276](
- JSON API 1.0 Support [\#272](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Remove ruby warnings [\#286]( ([teoljungberg](
- Redux: speed up JSON::Validator.validate [\#285]( ([iainbeeston](
- Test all versions in test\_custom\_format [\#278]( ([jpmckinney](
- Update README.textile to fix schema validation example [\#271]( ([mkonecny](
- Only rescue errors explicitly [\#239]( ([iainbeeston](

## [v2.5.2]( (2015-11-24)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Properties as Property not working [\#273](
- Schema nesting with id key is not validating as expected [\#270](
- Does not validate email correctly... [\#269](
- No implicit conversion of integer [\#259](
- No implicit conversion of integer to string with links [\#258](
- Automatically parse number values [\#257](
- Does not fail for type number when the data is string  [\#251](
- Prepare release of 2.5.1 [\#228](
- Unable to set clear\_cache option [\#225](
- Incorrect exception message in 2.5.0 [\#220](
- Trouble with forbidden additionalProperties and one/any/allOf? [\#161](

**Merged pull requests:**

- register\_format\_validator on default\_validator [\#277]( ([jpmckinney](
- Explicitly notes :strict overrides any required properties set in schema [\#252]( ([KTKate](
- Use old hash syntax in tests [\#240]( ([iainbeeston](
- Allow boolean false as a default property. [\#238]( ([chrisandreae](
- Removed test files from gemspec [\#237]( ([iainbeeston](
- Expose clear\_cache option [\#235]( ([danieldraper](
- Enabled warnings when running tests [\#231]( ([iainbeeston](

## [v2.5.1]( (2015-02-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Passing in a fragment with an even number of tokens can lead to undefined method `validate' for \#\<Hash...\> [\#265](
- Absoluteness correction [\#233](
- Consider releasing 2.5.1 [\#227](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Ignore fragments in schema caching. Fixes \#233 [\#234]( ([jphastings](
- Only add violating properties to error message for strict validation [\#230]( ([RST-J](
- Show sub-errors for oneOf [\#216]( ([isage](
- Update README - latest version is currently 2.5.0 [\#215]( ([take](
- End single quote in validation error [\#213]( ([olleolleolle](
- add description for nested types array and object [\#212]( ([brancz](
- Updated to addressable 2.3.7 [\#226]( ([iainbeeston](
- Made sure we really do update the common test suite before test runs [\#224]( ([iainbeeston](
- Added Ruby 2.2 to the build matrix [\#223]( ([iainbeeston](
- Renamed variable in oneOf to avoid name clash [\#221]( ([iainbeeston](
- Issue with Fixnum and Float in enum [\#219]( ([RST-J](

## [v2.5.0]( (2014-12-03)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- additionalProperties and $ref are not working together [\#185](
- Dependencies [\#179](
- Use Addressable for handling URIs? [\#173](
- Full support for the common test suite [\#163](
- Remove yajl-Ruby support in favour of multi\_json [\#162](
- Drop support for email and hostname formats [\#159](
- format: date-time validator isn't leap-second compliant [\#123](
- Symbol keys not handled in combination with additionalProperties [\#108](
- When extending a schema in folder names with spaces [\#100](
- Enhancing schema draft [\#99](
- Doesn't work in JRuby \(1.7.10 or 1.7.6\) with --1.8 [\#95](
- Support for string "format" attribute [\#79](
- Provide secure way of testing [\#77](
- Breaks with multi\_json 1.7.9 \(works with 1.7.7\) [\#73](
- additionalProperties and extends don't work together [\#31](
- Next minor release \(2.5.0\) [\#202](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Added bundler gem management rake tasks [\#211]( ([iainbeeston](
- Refactored parser error code [\#210]( ([iainbeeston](
- WebMock is on globally now; no need to disable it [\#208]( ([pd](
- Addressable spring clean [\#199]( ([iainbeeston](
- Tidied the common test suite tests [\#197]( ([iainbeeston](
- Remove "no dependencies" claim from README [\#194]( ([pd](
- Remove unused Schema\#base\_uri method [\#193]( ([pd](
- Updated the common test suite [\#191]( ([iainbeeston](
- Use unescape for paths before reading files [\#188]( ([RST-J](
- Use the new build env on Travis [\#187]( ([joshk](
- `oneOf` and `anyOf` errors where default values are present [\#181]( ([tonymarklove](
- Only stringify schema once [\#180]( ([treppo](
- Refactor ref schema URI construction. [\#177]( ([gabrielg](
- Use RFC 2606 reserved invalid DNS name in tests. [\#176]( ([gabrielg](
- Use Addressable gem to handle URIs [\#174]( ([RST-J](
- General cleanup, mostly focused on attributes/\* [\#172]( ([pd](
- Extend common-test-suite to ignore individual test cases [\#171]( ([mpalmer](
- Added some tests around file uris [\#169]( ([iainbeeston](
- Add some test helpers for common patterns [\#168]( ([pd](
- Removed multijson license [\#167]( ([iainbeeston](
- Add mailing list and IRC channel [\#166]( ([hoxworth](
- Fix draft3 `disallow` validation [\#165]( ([pd](
- Enable refremote specs [\#164]( ([pd](
- Fix for relative ref with fragment identifier on Windows [\#109]( ([jlblcc](
- Any ref issue [\#200]( ([RST-J](
- Fix test runs for optional dependencies [\#196]( ([iainbeeston](
- JSON::Schema::Reader [\#175]( ([pd](

## [2.4.1]( (2014-10-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Replaced \#add\_indifferent\_access with \#stringify [\#142]( ([iainbeeston](

## [2.4.0]( (2014-10-28)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Bug in IPV6 format validation [\#133](

**Closed issues:**

- Path issue when validating draft-04 schema [\#160](
- Schema validation is broken in master [\#135](
- Dependencies don't seem to work correctly [\#117](
- Use common test suite? [\#113](
- "Fix symbol keys in data" breaks working implementations [\#96](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add yajl, multi\_json and uuidtools to travis [\#157]( ([iainbeeston](
- Store static regexps in constants for re-use [\#156]( ([pd](
- Fix metaschema access [\#155]( ([pd](
- Add ruby 1.8 to travis [\#154]( ([iainbeeston](
- Enable draft4/dependencies test [\#153]( ([pd](
- Add 1.8.7 minimum ruby version to the spec [\#149]( ([hoxworth](
- Validator tidy [\#147]( ([iainbeeston](
- Unescape ref fragment pointers [\#146]( ([pd](
- Fix schema dep v4 [\#145]( ([RST-J](
- Update descr [\#144]( ([RST-J](
- Use IPAddr class to validate ip formats [\#143]( ([RST-J](
- Added codeclimate badge to readme [\#141]( ([iainbeeston](
- Make intra-doc refs work when validating with :fragment [\#127]( ([mpalmer](
- Hyper validation [\#125]( ([mpalmer](
- Parse dates using ruby's own date parsing - not regular expressions [\#118]( ([iainbeeston](

## [2.3.0]( (2014-10-26)

[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Possible bug: nil items in Array properties are stripped before MinItems validation [\#129](
- some questions about addtionalproperties [\#112](

**Closed issues:**

- Possible bug: wrong expectation of required object property [\#139](
- Array Validates Against Schema When It Shouldn't [\#137](
- Registration of custom format validators [\#128](
- Invalid schema not reported using fully\_validate with a oneOf attribute [\#116](
- Errors for required properties do not contain the fragment correctly. [\#115](
- Use of String\#each breaks Ruby 1.9 [\#78](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Do not compact before checking minItems [\#140]( ([pd](
- Made validation sub errors indicate where they come from [\#138]( ([iainbeeston](
- Add support for `"required": false` while using draft3 with strict mode [\#134]( ([bkirz](
- Custom formats [\#132]( ([RST-J](
- Extract formats into separate classes [\#131]( ([RST-J](
- Refactor classes and validator accessor methods [\#130]( ([iainbeeston](
- Another allOf ref test, and rename class [\#126]( ([mpalmer](
- Fix bad ref test for proxy support [\#124]( ([mpalmer](
- Run's common test suite [\#122]( ([mpalmer](
- Stopped draft3 from registering itself as the default validator [\#121]( ([iainbeeston](
- Added ruby 2.0, rubinius and jruby to travis build [\#119]( ([iainbeeston](
- Handle non-latin uris [\#114]( ([iainbeeston](
- Remove deprecated :rubygems source from Gemfile [\#111]( ([jamiecobbett](

## [2.2.4]( (2014-07-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Not correctly validating: "The property did not match the following type: string in schema" [\#101](
- Validator return error when data is an array  with hash with symbolic keys [\#94](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix `list:true` when referencing a cached schema [\#107]( ([pd](
- Setup travis [\#106]( ([apsoto](

## [2.2.3]( (2014-07-16)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Symbol keys are not supported in objects within arrays [\#104](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Make hashes in arrays indifferent to string/symbol keys [\#105]( ([jennyd](
- Load files from namespaced location to avoid conflicts [\#98]( ([kjg](

## [1.2.1]( (2014-01-15)

[Full Changelog](

## [2.2.1]( (2014-01-15)

[Full Changelog](

## [2.2.0]( (2014-01-15)

[Full Changelog](

## [1.2.0]( (2014-01-15)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- No error when schema not found [\#87](
- Schema validation should not clear cache [\#82](

## [2.1.8]( (2014-01-04)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Enum conversion to a Hash breaks Schema Validation [\#93](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix logic error in format validation [\#80]( ([jpmckinney](

## [2.1.7]( (2014-01-03)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Validation still requires data hash keys to be strings. Contrary to most recent version's stated purpose. [\#74](

## [2.1.6]( (2014-01-01)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Validator takes too long to validate JSON. [\#89](
- JSON::Validator.fully\_validate returns error for valid schema with "not" keyword in it [\#84](
- JSON::Validator modifies schema object [\#83](
- 2.1.2 broke 1.8.7 compatibility [\#62](

## [2.1.5]( (2014-01-01)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Can you push up the tags? [\#91](
- JSON::Validator.default\_validator is being set to draft-03 by default [\#76](
- Can't validate with fragment [\#64](
- Schema-wide "required" doesn't work [\#61](

## [2.1.4]( (2013-12-31)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Fat arrow vs colon [\#88](
- allOf and $ref not working? [\#86](
- Returns "valid" when schema is invalid [\#81](
- How to validate schema only? [\#71](
- $ref in anyOf, allOf, etc don't work [\#66](
- Problem with $ref to validate array property [\#63](
- License missing from gemspec [\#60](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix issue 86 [\#92]( ([sebbacon](
- Updated date-time regex to accept zero or one of : in the timezone designator [\#85]( ([jwarykowski](
- Fixed fragment resolution. Issue \#64 [\#75]( ([arcticlcc](
- Dont break file scheme with unc on windows [\#72]( ([kylog](
- Fix one of logic [\#70]( ([apsoto](
- Add Gemfile and ignore Gemfile.lock. [\#68]( ([ryotarai](

## [2.1.3]( (2013-08-02)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Fail on ruby 1.9.3, jruby 1.6.8 --1.9 [\#45](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix Issue \#66 [\#67]( ([apsoto](

## [2.1.2]( (2013-07-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- validate\_schema does not use value of $schema [\#59](

## [2.1.1]( (2013-07-03)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Validate against a schema fragment. [\#56](
- 1.0.9 has ruby 1.9.x dependency; breaks patch compatibility [\#44](

## [2.1.0]( (2013-07-03)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- json-schema 2.0.1 broke schema validation [\#58](
- maxItems is not working [\#54](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add failing test demonstrating failure of complex union type. [\#52]( ([myronmarston](

## [2.0.4]( (2013-07-01)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- ISO 8601 date-times do not include UTC offset [\#42](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Show schema type in error message instead of ruby class [\#50]( ([jvatic](

## [2.0.3]( (2013-06-26)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix date-time format. [\#43]( ([chris-baynes](

## [2.0.2]( (2013-06-26)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Unable to Validate v4 Schema File [\#57](

**Merged pull requests:**

- maxitems error message correction [\#55]( ([lpavan](
- Extends support array of objects too [\#53]( ([rogerleite](

## [2.0.1]( (2013-06-25)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Support draft v4 [\#51](

## [2.0.0]( (2013-06-23)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- json\_schema with old multi\_json in Rails context [\#39](
- Doesn't work with 1.9 stdlib JSON [\#33](
- Validation not working on nested properties [\#30](
- Add in a validation error structure [\#29](
- union types with schemas don't work with :record\_errors =\> true  [\#27](
- Validator is not thread safe [\#24](

**Merged pull requests:**

- More descriptive error message for PatternAttribute [\#49]( ([quoideneuf](
- Support \(optional\) adding of default values to input data while validating [\#48]( ([goodsimon](
- Restore 1.8.7 compatibility. [\#46]( ([myronmarston](
- Extends and additional properties take 2 [\#41]( ([japgolly](
- Fix Issue with MultiJson Feature Detection [\#40]( ([tylerhunt](
- Extract type validation into a helper method. [\#38]( ([myronmarston](
- date-time format and fractional seconds part [\#36]( ([ILikePies](
- Play nicely with new and old versions of MultiJson [\#35]( ([japgolly](
- Validation fails if root data object is a string  [\#26]( ([vapir](

## [1.0.4]( (2012-02-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Extending a schema doesn't allow overrides [\#22](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Multijson and schema validation [\#28]( ([myronmarston](
- Json::Schema::\*Error classes should inherit from StandardError instead of Exception. [\#25]( ([tommay](
- More descriptive error messages [\#23]( ([zachmargolis](

## [1.0.0]( (2012-01-04)

[Full Changelog](

## [0.9.12]( (2011-12-14)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Validation is slow [\#19](
- dependency with string value [\#18](
- minLength for non string type [\#17](
- Hypermedia schema [\#16](
- SimpleUUID::UUID conflicts with simple\_uuid gem [\#11](
- UUID class conflict [\#9](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fixed Issue \#19 - replace schema.inspect with Yajl::Encoder.encode or Marshal.dump as a fallback [\#20]( ([kindkid](
- Fixes for validate\_schema [\#15]( ([dekellum](
- Fix require of attributes and validators to work in Rubinius  [\#14]( ([IPGlider](
- Gem::Specification::find\_by\_name errors [\#12]( ([oruen](
- removed new rubygems deprecation warnings [\#10]( ([Vasfed](

## [0.9.3]( (2011-04-21)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- typo in lib/json-schema/validator.rb at line 270 [\#8](
- Relative URIs are resolved improperly [\#5](
- 'format' constraint should not be validated for null values [\#4](

**Merged pull requests:**

- removed deprecated option has\_rdoc from gemspec [\#7]( ([Vasfed](

## [0.9.2]( (2011-03-30)

[Full Changelog](

## [0.9.1]( (2011-03-21)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Previous draft support [\#2](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Do not add hash items while iterating over them. [\#3]( ([oruen](

## [0.9.0]( (2011-03-19)

[Full Changelog](

## [0.2.0]( (2011-03-09)

[Full Changelog](

## [0.1.14]( (2011-03-09)

[Full Changelog](

## [0.1.10]( (2011-01-10)

[Full Changelog](

## [0.1.6]( (2010-12-03)

[Full Changelog](

## [0.1.2]( (2010-11-30)

[Full Changelog](

\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*