As a speaker with one or more proposals,
I want to see a 'My Proposals' link in the nav bar
So that I can go to a page that lists all proposals I have submitted.
On this page I want to see an event info block that includes:
relevant event information,
a link to the event guidelines page,
and a button to submit another proposal.
I also want to see a list of all proposals I have submitted.
For each proposal I should see:
The title as a link so that I may visit that individual proposal,
the participating speakers, format, track, time last updated, status, and comment count.
As a speaker viewing one proposal,
I want to see an event info bar,
So that I know all pertinent information regarding the CFP.
I want to see my proposal title, all participating speakers,
and all other sections/categories of my submitted proposal.
I want to see a speaker information section
So that I can manage all speakers for my submitted proposal.
I want to see an 'Edit' button and,
if my proposal has not yet been accepted, a 'Withdraw Proposal' button
So that I may remove my proposal from the CFP.
Finally I want to see a comment area
So that I may see comments left for my proposal by the review staff
And in turn leave comments/questions of my own.