As a staff member viewing the Event Dashboard sub nav 'Config' tab
I want to see a 'Session Formats' table
With a list of all session formats for the event showing for each:
name, description, duration, and whether or not it's a public session.
I want to see a 'Tracks' table
With a list of all tracks for the event showing for each:
name, description, and guidelines.
If I am an organizer
I should also see an 'Actions' column for both of these tables,
With buttons to Edit, Remove, or add a new session format/track.
I also want to see sections for 'Proposal Tags', 'Review Tags', and 'Custom Fields'
That show a comma separated list of these items.
If I am an organizer
I should also see an Add button if no tags/fields are set
So that I may create new items,
And an Edit button if values *are* set
So that I may modify the existing tags/fields.