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As a staff member (program team or organizer only) viewing the Program sub nav 'Proposals' tab
I want to see a sub nav with links to pages for all aspects of the current event program
So that I may view or manage/edit these areas.
I also want the sub nav to inform me how many sessions are accepted and waitlisted
both in total and also filtered by specific tracks.

I want to see an event info bar with all pertinent CFP information
Followed by a dynamic table of all submitted proposals that can be sorted by one or multiple columns.
I want this table to include a status column so that I can see the status of each submitted proposal.

I want each talk title to be a link to a staff show page for that proposal:
So that I can read the full proposal, update its track, or reset its status.

If I am an organizer I should also see a 'Finalize State' button
So that I may move the proposal from soft to hard status.

I want to see an 'Other Proposals' area
So that I know about any other proposals submitted by the same speaker
With status, rating, track, and additional speakers listed for each.

I want to see an area for 'Public Comments'
So that I may leave comments for the speaker(s) of the proposal
In order to provide suggestions and feedback or ask any relevant questions.

Finally, I want to see a 'Review' area formatted just as it is in the 'Review Proposals' area.
I should see a place to rate the proposal that includes information about what each rating means.
After recording my rating I should see a list of what all other staff members have rated
this same proposal and what the average overall rating is.

Below that I want to see a 'Reviewer Tags' section
So that I can tag the proposal if tags have been set.
I also want to see an 'Internal Comments' area where I may leave comments for other reviewers
So that a private dialogue hidden from the proposal speaker(s) may occur.

I want to see a button that will return to me to list of all submitted proposals
And a button to take me to the next proposal staff show page
So that if I want to keep reviewing I may do so easily.