As a staff member (program team or organizer only) viewing the Program sub nav 'Sessions' tab
I want to see a sub nav with links to pages for all aspects of the current event program
So that I may view or manage/edit these areas.
I also want the sub nav to inform me how many sessions are accepted and waitlisted
both in total and also filtered by specific tracks.
I want to see an event info bar with all pertinent CFP information
Followed by a dynamic 'Sessions' table that can be sorted by one or multiple columns
And that includes all event sessions with the talk title and speaker names
As links so that I can view/edit/interact with any of them.
I want the table to include a 'Scheduled' column so that I know if the session has been scheduled
As well as a 'Track' and 'Status' column.
Below that I want to see a dynamic 'Waitlist' table that can be sorted by one or multiple columns.
If I am an organizer
I want to see a 'New Session' button so that I may bypass the proposal process
And add a new session to the program.
I also want to see a 'Copy Speaker Emails' button so that I can copy all
Speaker Emails directly to my clipboard.
Finally I want to see a 'Download as JSON' button so that I can download a
File with all program session information in order to transfer the data elsewhere.