= proposal.title_input(f)
- opts_session_formats = {|st| [,]}
- if !proposal.has_reviewer_activity?
- if opts_session_formats.length > 1
= f.association :session_format, collection: opts_session_formats, include_blank: 'None selected', required: true, input_html: {class: 'dropdown'},
hint: "The format your proposal will follow.", popover_icon: { content: session_format_tooltip }
- else
= f.association :session_format, collection: opts_session_formats, include_blank: false, input_html: {readonly: "readonly"},
hint: "The format your proposal will follow.", popover_icon: { content: "Only One Session Format for #{}" }
- else
= f.label :session_format, 'Session format'
%div #{proposal.session_format_name}
- if event.multiple_tracks? && !proposal.has_reviewer_activity?
- opts_tracks = {|t| [,]}
= f.association :track, collection: opts_tracks, include_blank: proposal.no_track_name_for_speakers, input_html: {class: 'dropdown'},
hint: "Optional: suggest a specific track to be considered for.", popover_icon: { content: track_tooltip }
- else
= f.label :track, 'Track'
%div #{proposal.track_name_for_speakers}
= proposal.abstract_input(f, abstract_tooltip)
- if event.public_tags?
= :tags,
options_for_select(event.proposal_tags, proposal.object.tags),
{}, {class: 'multiselect proposal-tags', multiple: true }
%legend.fieldset-legend For Review Committee
This content will <strong> only</strong> be visible to the review committee.
= f.input :details, input_html: { class: 'watched', rows: 5 },
hint: 'Include any pertinent details such as outlines, outcomes or intended audience.'#, popover_icon: { content: details_tooltip }
= f.input :pitch, input_html: { class: 'watched', rows: 5 },
hint: 'Explain why this talk should be considered and what makes you qualified to speak on the topic.'#, popover_icon: { content: pitch_tooltip }
- if event.custom_fields.any?
- event.custom_fields.each do |custom_field|
= f.label custom_field
= text_field_tag "proposal[custom_fields][#{custom_field}]", proposal.custom_fields[custom_field], class: "form-control"
= render partial: 'speakers/fields', locals: { f: f, event: event }
- if proposal.persisted?
= link_to "Cancel", event_proposal_path(event_slug: event.slug, uuid: proposal), {class: "btn btn-default btn-lg"}
- else
= link_to "Cancel", event_path(event.slug), {class: "btn btn-default btn-lg"}
%button.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg{type: "submit"} Submit