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Test Coverage
        - if event.start_date? && event.end_date?
            = event.date_range
        %span{:class => "event-meta event-status-badge event-status-#{event.status}"}
          = event.status
        - if
            CFP closes:
            %strong= event.closes_at(:month_day_year)
      - if proposal.has_speaker?(current_user)
          - if proposal.speaker_can_edit?(current_user)
            = link_to edit_event_proposal_path(event_slug: event.slug, uuid: proposal), class: 'btn btn-primary' do
          - if proposal.speaker_can_withdraw?(current_user)
            = proposal.withdraw_button
          - if proposal.speaker_can_delete?(current_user)
            = link_to event_proposal_path, method: :delete, data: {confirm: 'This will delete your talk. Are you sure you want to do this? It can not be undone.'}, class: 'btn btn-warning', id: 'delete' do
              Delete Proposal
        %h1= proposal.title
              %strong Status:
              %span #{proposal.speaker_state(small: true)}
              %strong Updated:
              %span #{proposal.updated_in_words}

                .info-item-heading #{ 'Speaker'.pluralize(proposal.speakers.count) }
                = proposal.speakers.collect { |speaker| }.join(', ')
              -if proposal.tags.present?
                  .info-item-heading Tags
                .info-item-heading Format
                .info-item-heading Track

      = render partial: 'proposals/contents', locals: { proposal: proposal }

        %h3.fieldset-legend Speaker Information
            = render proposal.speakers, withdraw: proposal.has_speaker?(current_user)

            - if proposal.invitations_enabled?(current_user)
              - if invitations.any?
                %h4.control-label Invited Speakers
                - invitations.each do |invitation|
                        = invitation.state_label
                          - unless invitation.declined?
                            = link_to 'Resend',
                              resend_invitation_path(invitation_slug: invitation.slug, proposal_uuid: proposal.uuid),
                              class: 'btn btn-xs btn-primary'
                          = link_to 'Remove',
                            invitation_path(invitation_slug: invitation.slug, proposal_uuid: proposal.uuid),
                            method: :delete,
                            class: 'btn btn-xs btn-danger',
                            data: {confirm: 'Are you sure you want to remove this invitation?'}

                = link_to "Invite a Speaker", "#", class: "btn btn-success btn-xs speaker-invite-btn",
                  data: { toggle: "modal", target: "#new-speaker-invitation" },
                  id: "invite-new-speaker"
       You may invite other speakers to your proposal.

    - if proposal.has_speaker?(current_user)
        - if proposal.awaiting_confirmation?
              %h2 Confirm participation in #{}
              = proposal.confirm_button
              = proposal.decline_button
        - elsif proposal.confirmed?
              = simple_form_for proposal, url: update_notes_event_proposal_path(slug: proposal.event.slug, uuid: proposal), wrapper: :vertical_form, method: :post do |f|
                = f.input :confirmation_notes, label: "Notes for the #{} team", input_html: { rows: 6, placeholder: 'Notes' },
                popover_icon: { content: notes_tooltip, placement: 'left' }
                %button.btn.btn-success.pull-right(type="submit") Update
            %h3= pluralize(proposal.public_comments.count, 'comment')
            = render partial: 'proposals/comments',
              locals: { proposal: proposal, comments: proposal.public_comments } Have questions or feedback on your proposal? The comments allow you to anonymously converse with the review committee.

= render partial: 'proposals/speaker_invitations/new_dialog', locals: { event: event, proposal: proposal }