%td= link_to(, edit_event_staff_page_path(current_event, page))
%td= link_to(page.slug, edit_event_staff_page_path(current_event, page))
- if page.published?
- if page.published?
= time_ago_in_words(page.body_published_at || page.updated_at)
- else
%span.label-warning Not Published
- if page.unpublished_changes?
- if page.landing?
= link_to("Edit",
edit_event_staff_page_path(current_event, page),
class: 'btn btn-primary')
= link_to("Preview",
preview_event_staff_page_path(current_event, page),
class: 'btn btn-primary')
= link_to("Publish",
publish_event_staff_page_path(current_event, page),
method: :patch,
data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to publish?" },
class: 'btn btn-primary')
- promote_action = page.landing? ? "Unpromote" : "Promote"
= link_to(promote_action,
promote_event_staff_page_path(current_event, page),
method: :patch,
data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to #{promote_action} #{} to be the landing page?" },
class: 'btn btn-primary')
- if page.published_body.present?
= link_to("View", page_path(current_event, page), class: 'btn btn-primary')
= link_to 'Destroy', event_staff_page_path(@event, page), method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete this page?' }, class: "btn btn-danger"