= link_to event_staff_schedule_time_slots_path(format: :csv), class: "btn btn-info" do
Download as CSV
%h3.pull-left Time Slots
= link_to "Add Time Slot",
remote: true,
class: "btn pull-left btn-primary btn-sm pull-left " + (has_missing_requirements?(event) ? 'disabled' : ''),
data: { toggle: 'modal', target: "#time-slot-new-dialog" },
id: 'add-time-slot'
#time-slot-prereqs.clearfix{ class: has_missing_requirements?(event) ? '' : 'hidden' }
%h5.text-danger{ id: 'missing-prereq-head' }
The following must be resolved before adding a new time slot:
= unmet_requirements(event)
%th Conference Day
%th Start Time
%th End Time
%th Title
%th Presenter
%th Room
%th Sponsor
%th Track
%th.actions Actions
= render time_slots