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Test Coverage
# Install Needed Dependencies

## Homebrew

If you haven't already, install the [homebrew]( package manager.

## Postgres

Use homebrew to install and run postgresql:

brew install postgresql

brew services start postgresql

If you have an older version of postgres, `brew postgresql-upgrade-database`

For a more GUI focused postgres experience, try []( an alternative to the CLI focused default postgres

If you are having trouble connecting to your local postgres database using pgAdmin or another local tool, try the following configuration:  

Host Name: localhost
Port: 5432
Maintenance Database: postgres
Username: you_mac_login_username (Can be found by calling whoami in a terminal)
Password: password

## Ruby

### Rbenv

It is often useful to install Ruby with a ruby version manager. The version of Ruby that comes with Mac is not sufficient
for this project. You can install [rbenv]( with:

brew install rbenv ruby-build

Then, setup rbenv:

rbenv init

And finally, follow the setup instructions that are outputted to your terminal after running that.

### Actually installing Ruby

Next, install the version of Ruby that this project uses. This can be found by checking the file in this repo, `.ruby-version`.

To install the appropriate ruby version, run:

rbenv install 3.3.6

(Do not forget to switch 3.3.6 to the appropriate version)

Finally, run:

rbenv local 3.3.6
(Do not forget to swtich 3.3.6 to the appropriate version)

## Nodejs

The Casa package frontend leverages several javascript packages managed through `npm`.

brew install node

## Chrome
Many of the frontend tests are run using Google Chrome, so if you don't already have that installed you may wish to include it:

brew install google-chrome

## Project setup

Install gem dependencies with:

bundle install

Setup the database with:

bin/rails db:setup

Install javascript dependencies with:
npm install

Compile assets with:

npm run build

and then:

npm run build:css

And lastly, run the app with:

bin/rails server

See the README for login information.