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# soap4r-ng
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#### Fresh Blood... err... Maintainers Wanted
* **2018-June-20** Apologies to my fellow Rubyists who are maintaining Legacy Code as much as I am. My product-maintenance workload has recently closed out the last remaining projects that require Ruby/SOAP support, and thus my availability to upkeep this library is minimal. It's time for me to move on and focus on new code adventures. Pull Requests are always be welcome, and if this project still has enough of a following and demand, I'd like to either add Collaborators, or transfer this project to a code-maintenance group in the future.

#### Soap4R (as maintained by RubyJedi)
* Unit Tested to work under MRI Ruby **1.8.7** thru **2.4**
* ***NEW CODE!  Added Support for newer, faster XML Parsers***
    * **[Ox](** (Fully Functional),
    * **[Nokogiri](** (Fully Functional)
    * **[Oga](** (Fully Functional)
* ***Fully Operational Unit Test Suite***. NaHi's Unit Tests are astonishingly thorough, and have been instrumental in discovering issues that each new Ruby version brings up. Thanks to those Unit Tests, I'm **very** confident in the code quality of this fork.
* ***Roadmap and Future Plans***
    * **2018-Jun-20** : (Not likely to happen, given my limited availability noted above)
    * Much improved [GitHub-Pages Website]( for documentation and presentation purposes.
    * Support for newer, faster HTTP Clients like [Curb](
    * Support for Ruby 2.3, JRuby, and (?) coming soon - depending on demand. (File an Issue, +1 to chime in and add support).
    * ***More to come soon***  - I'm hammering on getting Soap4R-ng working under Ruby 2.3 (As in "Regression Tests pass with Zero Errors or Warnings") before tackling the feature enhancements like **Oga** or **Curb**.

#### How to Install 
##### (Bundler Gemfile / GitHub Hosted)
## Performance Boosting Gems
gem 'ox'         # For faster XML Parsing, use Ox or Nokogiri. Ox has highest priority if available.
gem 'nokogiri'   # For faster XML Parsing. If neither Ox nor Nokogiri available, we'll fall back to REXML.
gem 'httpclient' # Absolutely necessary for soap4r-ng. Net::HTTP Fallback is quite broken, so don't let that happen.
gem 'soap4r-ng', :git=>'', :branch=>"master"
##### Standard Ruby Gem
gem install soap4r-ng
#### How to Use
* [NaHi's Original documentation]( -- the authoritative reference material is still available through the Wayback Machine, thankfully!
* [Soap4R-NG Website]( -- My own attempt at incorporating and modernizing the above into GitHub Pages -- still a work in progress at this time.

#### How to Get a Speed Boost : Use Nokogiri or Ox, not REXML
Be sure to have Nokogiri or Ox available in your Gemset. Soap4R-ng will find and use what's available (Ox has highest precedence, then Nokogiri, falling back to REXML as the last-resort if needed. 

I personally recommend **Nokogiri** as the best performing, most flexible parser at this time, as it handles "special characters" like HTML ampersand-escaped characters internally. Ox doesn't handle such an extensive set of special-characters natively, so to get things up to par, I added **htmlentities** support if it's available when using the Ox parser. Using **htmlentities** with **Ox** in this manner adds a bit of a performance penalty, however.

If you know your incoming XML is "clean", Ox is a really great alternative.

**LibXML** is somewhat broken at this time. It's low-priority on the task list, as **Nokogiri** and **Ox** are more readily available. In fact, I may drop support for the **LibXML** parser in a future release.

#### Project Motivation

I have a personal vested interest in making this the ***fastest, most reliable*** successor to [NaHi's original Soap4R library](, and in maintaining and documenting **Soap4R** to the best of my reasonably expected ability.

Soap4R has received a less-than-stellar reputation amongst the Ruby Community for far too long; and I've grown tired of seeing shoddy advice floating around to abandon **Soap4R** in favor of other SOAP Implementations. That's just nonsense -- especially when you're faced with the challenge of updating large, already-written, revenue-generating systems.

IMHO, NaHi did a freaking brilliant job with **Soap4R**. The code is tight, the Unit Tests are astonishingly comprehensive, and -- aside from finding someone willing to invest time to carry **Soap4R** forward -- there's really no good reason why **Soap4R** should be so neglected.

In fact, I'd much prefer spending time forward-porting **Soap4R** to keep this known-good foundation library going, versus taking on the risky task of migrating already-written applications to a completely new SOAP implementation. Along the way in this journey, I'm adding support for newer XML Parsers like **[Ox](** (which is screaming fast, btw!) and **[Nokogiri](**. I also have future plans to add support for newer HTTP Clients such as **[Curb](**.

#### Why Name This "Soap4R-ng" ?
As **[felipec/soap4r](** (now **[soap2r](**) pointed out upon renaming his fork to **soap2r** , there is a LOT of competition to uniquely name the a "successor" to the original Soap4R. **soap2r** came into being because **"[Soap5R]("** had already been claimed. :-)

#### Other Soap4R Forks/Networks of Interest
 * [nahi/soap4r]( - The original Soap4R by NaHi
 * [spox/soap4r-spox]( - One of the first Ruby 1.9-compatible forks
 * [felipec/soap4r]( - **Soap2R**

#### Testing or Contributing
Diving into the Source? Sure, I can always use more eyes to improve the code quality. Welcome aboard!

I assume you know how to check out the Git Repository, set up **rvm** or equivalent environment, and run **Bundler** to pull in the suggested Gems. From there, do a **rake test:surface** to run the smaller set of Unit Tests; or **rake test:deep** to run the complete set of Unit Tests.