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# Barong
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Barong is an authentication service for microservice architectures using JWT standard.

It's focused on security and rich KyC features, in a matter of fact it's used in Openware [Crypto exchange software]( stack.

# Overview

It includes the following features:

- Registration of users
- Role based access control (RBAC)
- Embedded KyC process
- Integrated [KycAID]( plugin
- Mailing system: event based, support multi-language, secured by cryptographic signatures
- [Service accounts](
- Focused on user privacy: sensitive informations are encrypted in database using vault, masks are applied on fields in user API endpoints

# Development

- Ruby version: `2.6.6`
- Bundler preinstalled
- MySQL preinstalled

1. Install RubyGems dependencies
bundle install

2. Copy initialisation files

3. Create database and run migrations
bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate

4. Start local server
bundle exec rails server

# Barong Levels

In the process of verification Barong assign different levels to accounts

- Level 0 is default account level
- Level 1 will apply after email verification
- Level 2 will apply after phone verification
- Level 3 will apply after identity & document verification

# Useful links to documentation
[Barong configuration](


[REST API documentation](

[API Keys creation and usage](

[Captcha policy overview and configuration](

[Setting up 2FA](

[Barong password hashing](

[Barong data encryption](

[Crypto exchange software](

# License
Barong is released under the terms of the [Apache License 2.0](