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Test Coverage
  NewCops: enable
  SuggestExtensions: false
  TargetRubyVersion: 2.7
    - 'spec/bundle/**/*'
    - 'spec/fixtures/database/**/*'
    - 'vendor/**/*'

# Style
Layout/FirstArrayElementIndentation: { EnforcedStyle: consistent }
Layout/FirstHashElementIndentation: { EnforcedStyle: consistent }
Layout/SpaceAroundEqualsInParameterDefault: { EnforcedStyle: no_space }
Style/SymbolArray: { EnforcedStyle: brackets }
  Enabled: true
    default: '{}'
    '%i': '[]'
    '%I': '[]'
    '%w': '[]'
    '%W': '[]'

# Rules that conflict with my style.
Metrics: { Enabled: false }
Layout/BeginEndAlignment: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 1
Layout/BlockAlignment: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 1
Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 15
Layout/ExtraSpacing: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 9
Layout/HashAlignment: { Enabled: false  } # Offense count: 3
Layout/SpaceAfterComma: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 122
Layout/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 8
Lint/MissingSuper: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 3
Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable: { Enabled: false }
Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock: { Exclude: ['spec/cli/formats_spec.rb'] }
Lint/SuppressedException: { Exclude: ['spec/cli_spec.rb'] }
Lint/UnusedBlockArgument: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 4
Lint/UnusedMethodArgument: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 6
Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 2
Style/BlockDelimiters: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 20
Style/CaseEquality: { Exclude: ['lib/bundler/audit/advisory.rb'] }
Style/ClassCheck: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 4
Style/Documentation: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 12
Style/GuardClause: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 1
    - 'Rakefile'
    - 'lib/bundler/audit/task.rb'
Style/IfUnlessModifier: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 14
Style/MethodCallWithoutArgsParentheses: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 1
Style/MultilineBlockChain: { Exclude: ['spec/**/*'] } # Offense count: 6
Style/MutableConstant: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 4
Style/ParenthesesAroundCondition: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 1
Style/RedundantBegin: { Exclude: ['spec/cli_spec.rb'] } # Offense count: 1
Style/RedundantReturn: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 6
Style/SpecialGlobalVars: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 5
Style/StringLiterals: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 333
Style/StructInheritance: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 1
Style/UnlessElse: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 1
Style/WordArray: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 1
Style/Lambda: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 2
Style/SafeNavigation: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 2
Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 1
    - 'bundler-audit.gemspec'
    - 'bundler-audit.gemspec'

# Rules that may be disabled in the future.
# Layout/SpaceInsideParens: { Enabled: false }
# Layout/TrailingWhitespace: { Enabled: false }

# Rules that I want to fully enabled in the future.
Style/DoubleNegation: { Exclude: ['spec/spec_helper.rb'] } # Offense count: 1
Style/EmptyMethod: { Exclude: ['spec/cli/formats_spec.rb'] } # Offense count: 2
Style/ExpandPathArguments: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 5
Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: { Enabled: false } # Offense count: 42
Style/MixinUsage: { Exclude: ['spec/spec_helper.rb'] } # Offense count: 1
Layout/LineLength: { Enabled: false }
Style/RedundantParentheses: { Enabled: false }