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package rueidis

import ""

// Builder represents a command builder. It should only be created from the client.B() method.
type Builder = cmds.Builder

// Incomplete represents an incomplete Redis command. It should then be completed by calling the Build().
type Incomplete = cmds.Incomplete

// Completed represents a completed Redis command. It should only be created from the Build() of a command builder.
type Completed = cmds.Completed

// Cacheable represents a completed Redis command which supports server-assisted client side caching,
// and it should be created by the Cache() of command builder.
type Cacheable = cmds.Cacheable

// Commands is an exported alias to []Completed.
// This allows users to store commands for later usage, for example:
//    c, release := client.Dedicate()
//    defer release()
//    cmds := make(rueidis.Commands, 0, 10)
//    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
//        cmds = append(cmds, c.B().Set().Key(strconv.Itoa(i)).Value(strconv.Itoa(i)).Build())
//    }
//    for _, resp := range c.DoMulti(ctx, cmds...) {
//        if err := resp.Error(); err != nil {
//        panic(err)
//    }
// However, please know that once commands are processed by the Do() or DoMulti(), they are recycled and should not be reused.
type Commands []Completed