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2 days
Test Coverage
 * @author Threema GmbH
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Threema GmbH

namespace Threema\MsgApi\Helpers;

use Threema\MsgApi\Commands\Results\CapabilityResult;
use Threema\MsgApi\Connection;
use Threema\MsgApi\Messages\FileMessage;
use Threema\MsgApi\Messages\ImageMessage;
use Threema\MsgApi\Messages\ThreemaMessage;
use Threema\MsgApi\Tools\CryptTool;
use Threema\Core\Exception;
use Threema\MsgApi\Tools\FileAnalysisTool;

class E2EHelper {
     * @var Connection
    private $connection;

     * @var CryptTool
    private $cryptTool;

     * @var string (bin)
    private $privateKey;

     * @param string $privateKey (binary)
     * @param Connection $connection
     * @param CryptTool $cryptTool
    public function __construct($privateKey, Connection $connection, CryptTool $cryptTool = null) {
        $this->connection = $connection;
        $this->cryptTool = $cryptTool;
        $this->privateKey = $privateKey;

        if(null === $this->cryptTool) {
            $this->cryptTool = CryptTool::getInstance();

     * Encrypt a text message and send it to the threemaId
     * @param string $threemaId
     * @param string $text
     * @throws \Threema\Core\Exception
     * @return \Threema\MsgApi\Commands\Results\SendE2EResult
    public final function sendTextMessage($threemaId, $text) {
        //random nonce first
        $nonce = $this->cryptTool->randomNonce();

        //fetch the public key
        $receiverPublicKey = $this->fetchPublicKeyAndCheckCapability($threemaId, null);

        //create a box
        $textMessage = $this->cryptTool->encryptMessageText(

        return $this->connection->sendE2E($threemaId, $nonce, $textMessage);

     * Encrypt an image file, upload the blob and send the image message to the threemaId
     * @param string $threemaId
     * @param string $imagePath
     * @return \Threema\MsgApi\Commands\Results\SendE2EResult
     * @throws \Threema\Core\Exception
    public final function sendImageMessage($threemaId, $imagePath) {
        //analyse the file
        $fileAnalyzeResult = FileAnalysisTool::analyse($imagePath);

        if(null === $fileAnalyzeResult) {
            throw new Exception('could not analyze the file');

        if(false === in_array($fileAnalyzeResult->getMimeType(), array(
                'image/png' ))) {
            throw new Exception('file is not a jpg or png');

        //fetch the public key
        $receiverPublicKey = $this->fetchPublicKeyAndCheckCapability($threemaId, function(CapabilityResult $capabilityResult) {
            return true === $capabilityResult->canImage();

        //encrypt the image file
        $encryptionResult = $this->cryptTool->encryptImage(file_get_contents($imagePath), $this->privateKey, $receiverPublicKey);
        $uploadResult =  $this->connection->uploadFile($encryptionResult->getData());

        if($uploadResult === null || !$uploadResult->isSuccess()) {
            throw new Exception('could not upload the image ('.$uploadResult->getErrorCode().' '.$uploadResult->getErrorMessage().') '.$uploadResult->getRawResponse());

        $nonce = $this->cryptTool->randomNonce();

        //create a image message box
        $imageMessage = $this->cryptTool->encryptImageMessage(

        return $this->connection->sendE2E($threemaId, $nonce, $imageMessage);

     * Encrypt a file (and thumbnail if given), upload the blob and send it to the given threemaId
     * @param string $threemaId
     * @param string $filePath
     * @param null|string $thumbnailPath
     * @throws \Threema\Core\Exception
     * @return \Threema\MsgApi\Commands\Results\SendE2EResult
    public final function sendFileMessage($threemaId, $filePath, $thumbnailPath = null) {
        //analyse the file
        $fileAnalyzeResult = FileAnalysisTool::analyse($filePath);

        if(null === $fileAnalyzeResult) {
            throw new Exception('could not analyze the file');

        //fetch the public key
        $receiverPublicKey = $this->fetchPublicKeyAndCheckCapability($threemaId, function(CapabilityResult $capabilityResult) {
            return true === $capabilityResult->canFile();

        //encrypt the main file
        $encryptionResult = $this->cryptTool->encryptFile(file_get_contents($filePath));
        $uploadResult =  $this->connection->uploadFile($encryptionResult->getData());

        if($uploadResult === null || !$uploadResult->isSuccess()) {
            throw new Exception('could not upload the file ('.$uploadResult->getErrorCode().' '.$uploadResult->getErrorMessage().') '.$uploadResult->getRawResponse());

        $thumbnailUploadResult = null;

        //encrypt the thumbnail file (if exists)
        if(strlen($thumbnailPath) > 0 && true === file_exists($thumbnailPath)) {
            //encrypt the main file
            $thumbnailEncryptionResult = $this->cryptTool->encryptFileThumbnail(file_get_contents($thumbnailPath), $encryptionResult->getKey());
            $thumbnailUploadResult = $this->connection->uploadFile($thumbnailEncryptionResult->getData());

            if($thumbnailUploadResult === null || !$thumbnailUploadResult->isSuccess()) {
                throw new Exception('could not upload the thumbnail file ('.$thumbnailUploadResult->getErrorCode().' '.$thumbnailUploadResult->getErrorMessage().') '.$thumbnailUploadResult->getRawResponse());

        $nonce = $this->cryptTool->randomNonce();

        //create a file message box
        $fileMessage = $this->cryptTool->encryptFileMessage(

        return $this->connection->sendE2E($threemaId, $nonce, $fileMessage);

     * Decrypt a message and download the files of the message to the $outputFolder
     * Note: This does not check the MAC before, which you should always do when
     * you want to use this in your own application! Use {@link checkMac()} for doing so.
     * @param string $threemaId The sender ID (= the ID the message came from)
     * @param string $messageId
     * @param string $box box as binary string
     * @param string $nonce nonce as binary string
     * @param string|null|false $outputFolder folder for storing the files,
     *                             null=current folder, false=do not download files
     * @param \Closure $downloadMessage
     * @return ReceiveMessageResult
     * @throws Exception
     * @throws \Threema\MsgApi\Exceptions\BadMessageException
     * @throws \Threema\MsgApi\Exceptions\DecryptionFailedException
     * @throws \Threema\MsgApi\Exceptions\UnsupportedMessageTypeException
    public final function receiveMessage($threemaId,
                                         $outputFolder = null,
                                         \Closure $downloadMessage = null) {

        //fetch the public key
        $receiverPublicKey = $this->connection->fetchPublicKey($threemaId);

        if(null === $receiverPublicKey || !$receiverPublicKey->isSuccess()) {
            throw new Exception('Invalid threema id');

        $message = $this->cryptTool->decryptMessage(

        if(null === $message || false === is_object($message)) {
            throw new Exception('Could not encrypt box');

        $receiveResult = new ReceiveMessageResult($messageId, $message);

        if($outputFolder === false) {
            return $receiveResult;
        if($outputFolder === null || strlen($outputFolder) == 0) {
            $outputFolder = '.';

        if($message instanceof ImageMessage) {
            $result = $this->downloadFile($message, $message->getBlobId(), $downloadMessage);
            if(null !== $result && true === $result->isSuccess()) {
                $image = $this->cryptTool->decryptImage(

                if (null === $image) {
                    throw new Exception('decryption of image failed');
                //save file
                $filePath = $outputFolder . '/' . $messageId . '.jpg';
                $f = fopen($filePath, 'w+');
                fwrite($f, $image);

                $receiveResult->addFile('image', $filePath);
        else if($message instanceof FileMessage) {
            $result = $this->downloadFile($message, $message->getBlobId(), $downloadMessage);

            if(null !== $result && true === $result->isSuccess()) {
                $file = $this->cryptTool->decryptFile(

                if (null === $file) {
                    throw new Exception('file decryption failed');

                //save file
                $filePath = $outputFolder . '/' . $messageId . '-' . $message->getFilename();
                file_put_contents($filePath, $file);

                $receiveResult->addFile('file', $filePath);

            if(null !== $message->getThumbnailBlobId() && strlen($message->getThumbnailBlobId()) > 0) {
                $result = $this->downloadFile($message, $message->getThumbnailBlobId(), $downloadMessage);
                if(null !== $result && true === $result->isSuccess()) {
                    $file = $this->cryptTool->decryptFileThumbnail(

                    if(null === $file) {
                        throw new Exception('thumbnail decryption failed');
                    //save file
                    $filePath = $outputFolder.'/'.$messageId.'-thumbnail-'.$message->getFilename();
                    file_put_contents($filePath, $file);

                    $receiveResult->addFile('thumbnail', $filePath);

        return $receiveResult;

     * Check the HMAC of an ingoing Threema request. Always do this before de-
     * crypting the message.
     * @param string $threemaId
     * @param string $gatewayId
     * @param string $messageId
     * @param string $date
     * @param string $nonce nonce as hex encoded string
     * @param string $box box as hex encoded string
     * @param string $mac the original one send by the server
     * @return bool true if check was successfull, false if not
    public final function checkMac($threemaId, $gatewayId, $messageId, $date, $nonce, $box, $mac, $secret) {
        $calculatedMac = hash_hmac('sha256', $threemaId.$gatewayId.$messageId.$date.$nonce.$box, $secret);
        return $this->cryptTool->stringCompare($calculatedMac, $mac) === true;

     * Fetch a public key and check the capability of the threemaId
     * @param string $threemaId
     * @param \Closure $capabilityCheck
     * @return string Public key as binary
     * @throws Exception
    private final function fetchPublicKeyAndCheckCapability($threemaId, \Closure $capabilityCheck = null) {
        //fetch the public key
        $receiverPublicKey = $this->connection->fetchPublicKey($threemaId);

        if(null === $receiverPublicKey || !$receiverPublicKey->isSuccess()) {
            throw new Exception('Invalid threema id');

        if(null !== $capabilityCheck) {
            //check capability
            $capability = $this->connection->keyCapability($threemaId);
            if(null === $capability || false === $capabilityCheck->__invoke($capability)) {
                throw new Exception('threema id does not have the capability');

        return $this->cryptTool->hex2bin($receiverPublicKey->getPublicKey());

     * @param ThreemaMessage $message
     * @param string $blobId blob id as hex
     * @param \Closure|null $downloadMessage
     * @return null|\Threema\MsgApi\Commands\Results\DownloadFileResult
     * @throws Exception
    private final function downloadFile(ThreemaMessage $message, $blobId, \Closure $downloadMessage = null) {
        if(null === $downloadMessage
            || true === $downloadMessage->__invoke($message, $blobId)) {
            //make a download
            $result = $this->connection->downloadFile($blobId);
            if(null === $result || false === $result->isSuccess()) {
                throw new Exception('could not download the file with blob id '.$blobId);

            return $result;
        return null;