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 * Adds/Deletes the addon permissions.
 * You can use this MySQL query to show all permissions of the add-on:
 * SELECT * FROM `xf_permission_entry` WHERE `permission_group_id` = 'threemagw'
 * @package ThreemaGateway
 * @author rugk
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016 rugk
 * @license MIT

class ThreemaGateway_Installer_Permissions
     * @var The group id of all permissions.
    const GROUP_ID = 'threemagw';

     * Sets the rule for a specific user group.
     * @param int    $userGroupId        The user group:
     *                                   1 = unconfirmed
     *                                   2 = registered
     *                                   3 = administrator
     *                                   4 = moderator
     * @param string $permissionId       The permission id
     * @param string $permissionValue    (optional) The value of the permission: allow, deny
     *                                   use_int
     * @param int    $permissionValueInt (optional) When using an integer (use_int)
     *                                   specify the integer to store
    public function addForUserGroup($userGroupId, $permissionId, $permissionValue, $permissionValueInt = 0)
        $db = XenForo_Application::get('db');

        $db->query('INSERT IGNORE INTO xf_permission_entry
                (user_group_id, user_id, permission_group_id, permission_id, permission_value, permission_value_int)
                VALUES (?, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
                [$userGroupId, self::GROUP_ID, $permissionId, $permissionValue, $permissionValueInt]);

     * Deletes all permissons of the specified group id.
    public function deleteAll()
        $db = XenForo_Application::get('db');

        $db->delete('xf_permission_entry', [
            'permission_group_id = ?' => self::GROUP_ID