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# Rung CLI


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Command line tools for Rung

## Installation

`sudo npm install -g rung-cli`

This will make the command `rung` available globally.

## Documentation

You can checkout the last docs in [this link](!

## Features

- Create blank apps
- Generate `.rung` packages
- Run apps locally in CLI mode
- Publish apps to Rung Store (public and private)
- Generate boilerplate code for app
- Generate file to publish
- Test autocomplete directly in the terminal
- Hot reloading and live development

## Usage

`rung [build|run|publish|boilerplate|readme|db]`

### Commands

| Command       | Description |
| `build`       | Generate a .rung package |
| `run`         | Execute the current app |
| `publish`     | Publish app to store |
| `boilerplate` | Generate boilerplate code for the app |
| `readme`      | Generate the file to publish |
| `db read`     | Read from app database |
| `db clear`    | Drop app database |

### Options

| Option           | Description |
| `-o`, `--output` | Where to save the built package |
| `--version`      | Displays versions |
| `--private`      | If set, app is published for current user only |
| `--raw`          | Displays returned cards outside a table |
| `--live`         | With `run`, starts hot compiling and preview on browser |