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Tailor the Swift language to your needs by choosing from a number of extensions comprising useful functions missing from the core libraries. Available as a Cocoapod for ease of inclusion into your projects.

* `CollectionAdditions` - Map directly to an array of distinct elements / check whether a `Collection` is __not__ empty.
* `DictionaryAdditions` - Instantiate a Swift dictionary from an array of tuples.
* `NSAttributedStringAdditions` - Trim attributed strings in the same way as would a regular string. [Details](
* `PriceFormatter` - Formats numeric values as prices in `String` format.
* `StringAdditions` - For checking whether a `String` is __not__ empty.
* `UIControlAdditions` - Extension for debouncing (primarily) `UIButton` taps.
* `UIColorAdditions` - `UIColor` extension for getting a lighter / darker shade of a given colour. [Details](
* `UIViewAdditions` - `UIView` extension for rounding view corners individually.

## Example

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run `pod install` from the Example directory first.

## Requirements

## Installation
### Cocoapods

[CocoaPods]( is a dependency manager which integrates dependencies into your Xcode workspace. To install it using [RubyGems]( run:

gem install cocoapods

To install TailorSwift using Cocoapods, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "TailorSwift"

Then run the command:

pod install

For more information [see here](

### Carthage

Carthage is a dependency manager which produces a binary for manual integration into your project. It can be installed via [Homebrew]( using the commands:

brew update
brew install carthage

In order to integrate TailorSwift into your project via Carthage, add the following line to your project's Cartfile:

github "rwbutler/TailorSwift"

From the macOS Terminal run `carthage update --platform iOS` to build the framework then drag `TailorSwift.framework` into your Xcode project.

For more information [see here](

## Author

[Ross Butler](

## License

TailorSwift is available under the MIT license. See the [LICENSE file](./LICENSE) for more info.

## Additional Software

### Controls

* [AnimatedGradientView]( - Powerful gradient animations made simple for iOS.

|[AnimatedGradientView]( |

### Frameworks

* [Cheats]( - Retro cheat codes for modern iOS apps.
* [Connectivity]( - Improves on Reachability for determining Internet connectivity in your iOS application.
* [FeatureFlags]( - Allows developers to configure feature flags, run multiple A/B or MVT tests using a bundled / remotely-hosted JSON configuration file.
* [FlexibleRowHeightGridLayout]( - A UICollectionView grid layout designed to support Dynamic Type by allowing the height of each row to size to fit content.
* [Hash]( - Lightweight means of generating message digests and HMACs using popular hash functions including MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256.
* [Skylark]( - Fully Swift BDD testing framework for writing Cucumber scenarios using Gherkin syntax.
* [TailorSwift]( - A collection of useful Swift Core Library / Foundation framework extensions.
* [TypographyKit]( - Consistent & accessible visual styling on iOS with Dynamic Type support.
* [Updates]( - Automatically detects app updates and gently prompts users to update.

|[Cheats]( |[Connectivity]( | [FeatureFlags]( | [Skylark]( | [TypographyKit]( | [Updates]( |
|[![Cheats](]( |[![Connectivity](]( | [![FeatureFlags](]( | [![Skylark](]( | [![TypographyKit](]( | [![Updates](](

### Tools

* [Clear DerivedData]( - Utility to quickly clear your DerivedData directory simply by typing `cdd` from the Terminal.
* [Config Validator]( - Config Validator validates & uploads your configuration files and cache clears your CDN as part of your CI process.
* [IPA Uploader]( - Uploads your apps to TestFlight & App Store.
* [Palette]( - Makes your [TypographyKit]( color palette available in Xcode Interface Builder.

|[Config Validator]( | [IPA Uploader]( | [Palette](|
|[![Config Validator](]( | [![IPA Uploader](]( | [![Palette](](