import { gcd } from 'ember-math-helpers/helpers/gcd';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
module('Unit | Helper | gcd', function (hooks) {
module('Two integers', function () {
test('computing gcd for a larger and smaller integer', function (assert) {
assert.strictEqual(gcd([100, 48]), 4);
assert.strictEqual(gcd([100, 0]), 100);
test('computing gcd for a smaller and larger integer', function (assert) {
assert.strictEqual(gcd([48, 100]), 4);
assert.strictEqual(gcd([48, 0]), 48);
test('computing gcd for the absolute value of two integers ', function (assert) {
assert.strictEqual(gcd([-100, 48]), 4);
assert.strictEqual(gcd([-100, -48]), 4);
assert.strictEqual(gcd([100, -48]), 4);
assert.strictEqual(gcd([0, -48]), 48);
module('Edge-case inputs', function () {
test('returning 0 by default', function (assert) {
const result = gcd([]);
assert.strictEqual(result, 0);
test('reflecting back single-integer inputs', function (assert) {
const result = gcd([48]);
assert.strictEqual(result, 48);
test('handling numeric strings', function (assert) {
const result = gcd(['2', '4']);
assert.strictEqual(result, 2);