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# The RxStack Exceptions

> The Exception component contains a set of standard exception classes.
They set the correct HTTP status codes for REST calls and socket responses.

## Installation

npm install @rxstack/exceptions --save

## Documentation

* [Standard exceptions](#standard-exceptions)
* [Helpers](#helpers)

### <a name="standard-exceptions"></a>  Standard exceptions
The following exception types, all of which are instances of base `Exception` class are available:

- 400: BadRequest
- 401: Unauthorized
- 402: PaymentRequired
- 403: Forbidden
- 404: NotFound
- 405: MethodNotAllowed
- 406: NotAcceptable
- 407: ProxyAuthenticationRequired
- 408: RequestTimeout
- 409: Conflict
- 410: Gone
- 411: LengthRequired
- 412: PreconditionFailed
- 413: PayloadTooLarge
- 414: URITooLong
- 415: UnsupportedMediaType
- 416: Satisfiable
- 417: ExpectationFailed
- 422: UnprocessableEntity
- 429: TooManyRequests
- 451: UnavailableForLegalReasons
- 500: HttpException
- 501: NotImplemented
- 502: BadGateway
- 503: Unavailable
- 507: InsufficientStorage

Exceptions contain the following fields:

- `name`: The error name
- `message`: The error message
- `stack`: The error stack
- `data`: extra data
- `statusCode`: The HTTP status code
- `orginalError`: Original error 

### <a name="helpers"></a> Helpers
To transform a native error to exception, you can use:

import {transformToException} from '@rxstack/exceptions'

// returns instance of Exception
transformToException(new Error('ops'));

To transform an `Exception` to plain object:

import {exceptionToObject, Exception} from '@rxstack/exceptions'

// returns instance of Exception
exceptionToObject(new Exception('Ops'));

## License

Licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE).