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# Plasm

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Filter, cast, and validate incoming data from **forms**, **API**s, **CLI**, etc.

Schema and Changeset for PHP are inspired by `Ecto.Changeset`
from [Elixir's Ecto library](https://hexdocs.pm/ecto/Ecto.Changeset.html).

### In Development!

### Planned for V1.0:

- [ ] Default messages str replacements
- [ ] Finish default validators
- [ ] One or two provided Framework/ORM integrations
- [ ] Figure how to implement DB constraints from Integrations (unique, etc.)

## Install

Use [composer](https://getcomposer.org).

composer require plasm/plasm:dev-master@dev

## Usage

### 1) Define a Schema:

In the schema we specify all the fields we care about and specify what type
we want them to be cast to.


- `type`: required. the type the field should be cast to
- `default`: Will default to this value if not present in changeset `$attrs`
- `virtual`: This will be a future to mark fields as not for storing


use Plasm\Schema;

class UserSchema extends Schema
    public function definition()
        return [
            'name' => ['type' => 'string'],
            'email' => ['type' => 'string'],
            'is_admin' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'default' => false],
            'age' => ['type' => 'integer'],
            'money' => ['type' => 'float'],
            'password' => ['type' => 'string', 'virtual' => true],
            'password_confirmation' => ['type' => 'string', 'virtual' => true],
            'password_hash' => ['type' => 'string'],
            'nothing' => ['type' => 'string', 'default' => null]

### 2) Define a Changeset:

You can define multiple changesets in the same class. You can create completely different ones or build on top of others.

For example, below we'll have a `createChangeset` for creating a user that just builds off our generic `changeset` and
making some of the fields required.


use Plasm\Changeset;

class UserChangeset extends Changeset
     * Changeset for a User.
    public function changeset($attrs)
        return $this
            ->cast(['name', 'email', 'is_admin', 'age', 'money', 'password', 'nothing'])
            ->validateFormat('email', '/.+@.+\..+/')
            ->validateLength('password', ['min' => 8])
            ->validateNumber('age', ['greater_than' => 12], 'You need to be at least 13');

     * Changeset for creating a User.
    public function createChangeset($attrs)
        return $this
            ->validateRequired(['name', 'email', 'age', 'password'])
                'Your password is too weak'

     * A custom validator for checking password strength.
    private function validatePassStrength()
        return function($password) {
            $zxcvbn = new \ZxcvbnPhp\Zxcvbn();
            $strength = $zxcvbn->passwordStrength($password);

            return $strength['score'] >= 3;

### 3) Use them somewhere:

Just for example's sake, the example below looks a lot like a typical Laravel controller's
`store` method.

We'll pass all the request data into the `createChangeset` changeset and
not worry since our `cast` method will filter out the fields we specify, cast them
to their specified types, and validate them.

If we used the `EloquentChangesets` trait we could call the `createModel` method after checking
if the changeset is valid. If it wasn't valid we can return to the view with the changeset
and display the changeset errors to the user.

function store($request)
    $changeset = UserChangeset::using(UserSchema::class)

    if (! $changeset->valid()) {
        return back()->with('changeset', $changeset);

    $user = $changeset->createModel();

    return redirect()->route('users/index')
        ->with('success', "User {$user->email} added");

## License


## Credits

- [Ecto.Changeset](https://hexdocs.pm/ecto/Ecto.Changeset.html): Most of the ideas come from here.