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To have my dev laptop nicely organised and my tools kept portable in case I want to
switch to another *OS* or machine I tend to avoid installing anything on it 
apart from *Docker* and *Git* (though *Git* comes pre-installed I think on *Debian*).

To write *Python* code and related configurations (like *Dockerfiles*, *Bash* scripts, etc.)
I use the excellent [PyCharm CE](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/) from JetBrains - 
in a *Docker* container of course.  
Check out the [rycus86/docker-pycharm](https://github.com/rycus86/docker-pycharm) 
repository to see how to use it on (probably) anything with *X11* on it.  
More details on how to run *GUI* applications with *Docker* check out 
[this link](https://blog.jessfraz.com/post/docker-containers-on-the-desktop/).

If you don't have or want *PyCharm* installed on your host machine then
have a look at *vim* which is a great editor with syntax coloring and 
tons of other useful features.