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7 hrs
Test Coverage
import os
import mimetypes

import six
import requests
import jwt    # pip install pyjwt
import os
from datetime import datetime as date

from .models import Controller, PostController
from .helpers import refresh_session_if_necessary
from .errors import GhostException

class Ghost(object):
    API client for the Ghost REST endpoints.
    See https://api.ghost.org/ for the available parameters.

    Sample usage:

        from ghost_client import Ghost

        # to read the client ID and secret from the database
        ghost = Ghost.from_sqlite(

        # or to use a specific client ID and secret
        ghost = Ghost(
            admin_key=='admin API key'

        # print the server's version

        # create a new tag
        tag = ghost.tags.create(name='API sample')

        # create a new post using it
        post = ghost.posts.create(
            title='Example post', slug='custom-slug',
            markdown='',  # yes, even on v1.+
            custom_excerpt='An example post created from Python',

        # list posts, tags and users
        posts = ghost.posts.list(
            fields=('id', 'title', 'slug'),
            formats=('html', 'mobiledoc', 'plaintext'),
        tags = ghost.tags.list(fields='name', limit='all')
        users = ghost.users.list(include='count.posts')

        # use pagination
        while posts:
            for post in posts:
                posts = posts.next_page()


        # update a post & tag
        updated_post = ghost.posts.update(post.id, title='Updated title')
        updated_tag = ghost.tags.update(tag.id, name='Updated tag')

        # note: creating, updating and deleting a user is not allowed by the API

        # access fields as properties
        print(post.markdown)     # needs formats='mobiledoc'
        print(post.author.name)  # needs include='author'

        # delete a post & tag

        # upload an image
        ghost.upload(file_obj=open('sample.png', 'rb'))
        ghost.upload(file_path='/path/to/image.jpeg', 'rb')
        ghost.upload(name='image.gif', data=open('local.gif', 'rb').read())

    The logged in credentials will be saved in memory and
    on HTTP 401 errors the client will attempt
    to re-authenticate once automatically.

    Responses are wrapped in `models.ModelList` and `models.Model`
    types to allow pagination and retrieving fields as properties.

    The default version to report when cannot be fetched.

    def __init__(
            self, base_url, version='auto',
            client_id=None, client_secret=None,
        Creates a new Ghost API client.

        :param base_url: The base url of the server
        :param version: The server version to use (default: `auto`)
        :param access_token: Self-supplied access token (optional)
        :param admin_key: admin API key

        self.base_url = '%s/ghost/api/admin' % base_url
        self._version = version

        self._client_id = client_id
        self._client_secret = client_secret
        self._access_token = access_token
        self._admin_key = admin_key

        self.posts = PostController(self)
        self.tags = Controller(self, 'tags')
        self.users = Controller(self, 'users')

    def from_sqlite(cls, database_path, base_url, version='auto', client_id='ghost-admin'):
        Initialize a new Ghost API client,
        reading the client ID and secret from the SQlite database.

        :param database_path: The path to the database file.
        :param base_url: The base url of the server
        :param version: The server version to use (default: `auto`)
        :param client_id: The client ID to look for in the database
        :return: A new Ghost API client instance

        import os
        import sqlite3

        fd = os.open(database_path, os.O_RDONLY)
        connection = sqlite3.connect('/dev/fd/%d' % fd)

            row = connection.execute(
                'SELECT secret FROM clients WHERE slug = ?',

            if row:
                return cls(
                    base_url, version=version,
                    client_id=client_id, client_secret=row[0]

                raise GhostException(401, [{
                    'errorType': 'InternalError',
                    'message': 'No client_secret found for client_id: %s' % client_id


    def version(self):
        :return: The version of the server when initialized as 'auto',
            otherwise the version passed in at initialization

        if self._version != 'auto':
            return self._version

        if self._version == 'auto':
                data = self.execute_get('site/')
                self._version = data['site']['version']
            except GhostException:
                return self.DEFAULT_VERSION

        return self._version

    def refresh_session(self):
        Re-authenticate using the refresh token if available.
        Otherwise log in using the username and password
        if it was used to authenticate initially.

        :return: The authentication response or `None` if not available

        return self._authenticate(

    def _authenticate(self, **kwargs):

        # Split the key into ID and SECRET
        id, secret = self._admin_key.split(':')

        # Prepare header and payload
        iat = int(date.now().timestamp())

        header = {'alg': 'HS256', 'typ': 'JWT', 'kid': id}
        payload = {
            'iat': iat,
            'exp': iat + 5 * 60,
            'aud': '/admin/'

        # Create the token (including decoding secret)
        token = jwt.encode(payload, bytes.fromhex(secret), algorithm='HS256', headers=header)

        if os.name == 'nt':
            # Windows version
            token_str = token
            # Linux version
            # print('Ghost {}'.format(token.decode("utf-8")))
            token_str = token.decode("utf-8")

        self._access_token = token_str

        return token_str

    def upload(self, file_obj=None, file_path=None, name=None, data=None):
        Upload an image and return its path on the server.
        Either `file_obj` or `file_path` or `name` and `data` has to be specified.

        :param file_obj: A file object to upload
        :param file_path: A file path to upload from
        :param name: A file name for uploading
        :param data: The file content to upload
        :return: The path of the uploaded file on the server

        close = False

        if file_obj:
            file_name, content = os.path.basename(file_obj.name), file_obj

        elif file_path:
            file_name, content = os.path.basename(file_path), open(file_path, 'rb')
            close = True

        elif name and data:
            file_name, content = name, data

            raise GhostException(
                'Either `file_obj` or `file_path` or '
                '`name` and `data` needs to be specified'

            content_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(file_name)

            file_arg = (file_name, content, content_type)

            response = self.execute_post('uploads/', files={'uploadimage': file_arg})

            return response

            if close:

    def execute_get(self, resource, **kwargs):
        Execute an HTTP GET request against the API endpoints.
        This method is meant for internal use.

        :param resource: The last part of the URI
        :param kwargs: Additional query parameters (and optionally headers)
        :return: The HTTP response as JSON or `GhostException` if unsuccessful

        url = '%s/%s' % (self.base_url, resource)

        headers = kwargs.pop('headers', dict())

        headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'

        if kwargs:
            separator = '&' if '?' in url else '?'

            for key, value in kwargs.items():
                if hasattr(value, '__iter__') and type(value) not in six.string_types:
                    url = '%s%s%s=%s' % (url, separator, key, ','.join(value))

                    url = '%s%s%s=%s' % (url, separator, key, value)

                separator = '&'

        if self._access_token:
            headers['Authorization'] = 'Ghost %s' % self._access_token

        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

        # print(response.content)

        if response.status_code // 100 != 2:
            raise GhostException(response.status_code, response.json().get('errors', []))

        return response.json()

    def execute_post(self, resource, **kwargs):
        Execute an HTTP POST request against the API endpoints.
        This method is meant for internal use.

        :param resource: The last part of the URI
        :param kwargs: Additional parameters for the HTTP call (`request` library)
        :return: The HTTP response as JSON or `GhostException` if unsuccessful

        return self._request(resource, requests.post, **kwargs).json()

    def execute_put(self, resource, **kwargs):
        Execute an HTTP PUT request against the API endpoints.
        This method is meant for internal use.

        :param resource: The last part of the URI
        :param kwargs: Additional parameters for the HTTP call (`request` library)
        :return: The HTTP response as JSON or `GhostException` if unsuccessful

        return self._request(resource, requests.put, **kwargs).json()

    def execute_delete(self, resource, **kwargs):
        Execute an HTTP DELETE request against the API endpoints.
        This method is meant for internal use.
        Does not return anything but raises an exception when failed.

        :param resource: The last part of the URI
        :param kwargs: Additional parameters for the HTTP call (`request` library)

        self._request(resource, requests.delete, **kwargs)

    def _request(self, resource, request, **kwargs):
        if not self._access_token:
            raise GhostException(401, [{
                'errorType': 'ClientError',
                'message': 'Access token not found'

        url = '%s/%s' % (self.base_url, resource)

        headers = kwargs.pop('headers', dict())

        #if 'json' in kwargs:
        headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
        headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'

        if self._access_token:
            headers['Authorization'] = 'Ghost %s' % self._access_token


        response = request(url, headers=headers, **kwargs)


        if response.status_code // 100 != 2:
            raise GhostException(response.status_code, response.json().get('errors', []))

        return response