

Test Coverage
layout: base
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title: 'Kristofer Rye'

    <div class="name">
        kris<span class="aux">tofer</span> rye

    <div class="tagline">
        <span class="item" data-separator="&bull;">Pilot</span>
        <span class="item bigger" data-separator="&bull;">Programmer</span>
        <span class="item" data-separator="&bull;">Cellist</span>

<section id="about">
    <h1>About Me</h1>

        I'm a <b>Software Developer</b> based in Verona, Wisconsin, formerly a student majoring in <b>Computer Science</b> and <b>Mathematics</b> at St.&nbsp;Olaf <wbr/>College.

        I like to
        play <b>music</b>,
        and <b>fly airplanes</b>.

        I am currently not available for hire, but have lots of experience with
        development in a variety of languages and environments.

        I am especially interested in
        API design,
        control theory and automation,
        and DevOps.

    <p class="contact-me">
        Interested in connecting?
        I'd love to get in touch.
        <a href="resume">Check out my r&eacute;sum&eacute;</a> or
        <a href="">shoot me an email</a>!

{% if site.posts.size > 0 %}
        Blog Posts

        I write things sometimes, apparently&mdash;here are some of the most recent of these things:

        {% for post in site.posts limit: 5 %}
            <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
        {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

<section id="activity">
        What am I up to?
        Check out my latest activity on GitHub:

    <div id="gh-activity">
        Shucks, looks like you don't have JS enabled, or my code is bad.  Oh well!

<section id="projects">

        My favorite languages/frameworks to work in are
        <b>Ruby</b> (standalone and on Rails),
        and of course <b>HTML5</b>, <b>CSS3</b>, and <b>JS/JSX</b>.

        I am also familiar with

    <p>I'm working on a bunch of projects. Here are some of them:</p>

    <div id="aao" class="project example e31">
        <h1 class="title"><a href="">All About Olaf</a><span class="links"><a href=""><i class="fab fa-app-store-ios"></i></a><a href=""><i class="fab fa-google-play"></i></a></span></h1>
        <div class="text left">
            <p class="description">A (unofficial) mobile app for St.&nbsp;Olaf students.</p>
            <p>Written in <b class="technology">React Native</b>, this app is used by over <b class="slight">600 daily active users</b>, and provides valuable information to students. I work on some of the data fetching and business-logic bits as well as release and dependency management.</p>
            <p>I also worked on separating the data fetching out into a separate service, deployed via <b class="technology">Docker</b> on <b>DigitalOcean</b> and capable of handling over 2000 requests per second.</p>

        <div class="image right">
            <img id="aao-screenshot" src="images/aao.jpeg">

    <div id="netaddr2" class="project example e4">
        <h1 class="title"><a href="">netaddr2</a><span class="links"><a href=""><img style="width: 1.5em; height:1.5em;" src="images/rust-logo-blk.svg"/></a></span></h1>
        <div class="text full">
            <p class="description">A network address parsing and arithmetic library.</p>
            <p class="info">One of my first production-class <b class="technology">Rust</b> libraries, this project explores writing idiomatic and powerful Rust that can represent networks.
            This project allows users to parse CIDR notation, merge and iterate through networks, and rapidly check containment.</p>

let ghActivityContainer = document.querySelector("div#gh-activity");

function renderGhActivityContainer(container, data) {
    if(container) {
        container.innerHTML = "";

    let dataInScope = data.filter(event => {
        let eventDateRaw = event["created_at"];
        let eventDate = Date.parse(eventDateRaw);
        let difference = eventDate && (new Date() - eventDate);
        return difference < 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

    let dataToRender = data.filter(event => {
        let isCorrectType = event["type"] == "PushEvent" || event["type"] == "PullRequestEvent" || event["type"] == "IssueCommentEvent";
        let isCorrectActor = event["actor"] && event["actor"]["login"] == "rye";
        return isCorrectActor && isCorrectType

    dataToRender.forEach(event => {
        let eventContainer = document.createElement("div");
        eventContainer.setAttribute("data-id", event["id"])
        eventContainer.setAttribute("data-type", event["type"]);

        switch(event["type"]) {
            case 'PushEvent':
                let commits = event["payload"] && event["payload"]["commits"];
                let lastCommit = commits[commits.length - 1];
                let otherCommits = (commits.length - 1);
                eventContainer.innerHTML = `Pushed \"${lastCommit["message"].split("\n")[0]}\"` + (otherCommits > 0 ? (" and " + otherCommits + ` other commit${otherCommits > 1 ? 's' : ''}`) : "");

            case 'PullRequestEvent':

                console.warn("unimplemented event type", event["type"]);


if (ghActivityContainer) {
        .then(response => response.json())
        .then(data => renderGhActivityContainer(ghActivityContainer, data));
} else {
    console.warn("div#gh-activity not found on page, doing nothing");