# frozen_string_literal: true require 'English'require 'octokit'require 'rainbow'require 'pr_comet/version'require 'pr_comet/errors'require 'pr_comet/command_line'require 'pr_comet/git/command'require 'pr_comet/github/client' # Helps to create a pull requestclass PrComet # @note You have to set ENV['GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN'] # @param base [String] The branch you want your changes pulled into # @param branch [String] The branch where your changes are going to implement. # @param user_name [String] The username to use for committer and author # @param user_email [String] The email to use for committer and author # @param verbose [Boolean] Displays executing commands def initialize(base:, branch:, user_name: nil, user_email: nil, verbose: false) raise "You have to set ENV['GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN']" if access_token.nil? @base_branch = base @topic_branch = branch @git = user_name, user_email: user_email, verbose: verbose) @github =, git.remote_url('origin')) @initial_sha1 = git.current_sha1 end # Add and commit local files to this branch # # @param message [String] The commit message # @yield Some commands where modify local files # @return [Object] Return result of yield if you use &block # @raise [RubocopChallenger::Errors::ExistUncommittedModify] # Raise error if you use &block and exists someuncommitted filesMethod `commit` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. def commit(message, &block) git.checkout_with(topic_branch) unless git.current_branch?(topic_branch) result = modify_files(&block) if block_given? git.add('.') git.commit(message) result rescue PrComet::Errors::ExistUncommittedModify raise `git status` end # Create a pull request. You should call #commit before calling this method. # If you want to create a blank PR, you can do it with `validate: false` # option. # # @param options [Hash] # Options for the PR creation. # @option title [String] # The title for the pull request # @option body [String] # The body for the pull request # @option labels [Array<String>] # List of labels. It is a optional parameter. You can add labels to the # created PR. # @option project_column_name [String] # A project column name. It is a optional parameter. You can add the created # PR to the GitHub project. # @option project_id [Integer] # A target project ID. It is a optional parameter. If does not supplied, # this method will find a project which associated the repository. # When the repository is associated with multiple projects, you should # supply this. # @option validate [Boolean] # Verifies the branch has commits and checkout to the topic branch. If you # want to create a blank PR, set "false" to this option. default: true. # @return [Boolean] # Return true if it is successed. # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSizeMethod `create!` has a Cognitive Complexity of 7 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. def create!(**options) options[:validate] = true if options[:validate].nil? return false if options[:validate] && !git_condition_valid? git.push(github_token_url, topic_branch) pr_number = github.create_pull_request(**generate_create_pr_options(**options)) github.add_labels(pr_number, *options[:labels]) unless options[:labels].nil? unless options[:project_column_name].nil? github.add_to_project(pr_number, **generate_add_to_project_options(**options)) end true end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize private attr_reader :git, :github, :base_branch, :topic_branch, :initial_sha1 def generate_create_pr_options(**options) { base: base_branch, head: topic_branch, title: options[:title], body: options[:body] } end def generate_add_to_project_options(**options) { column_name: options[:project_column_name], project_id: options[:project_id] } end def git_condition_valid? !git.current_sha1?(initial_sha1) && git.current_branch?(topic_branch) end def modify_files raise Errors::ExistUncommittedModify if git.exist_uncommitted_modify? yield end def access_token ENV['GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN'] end # @note You *MUST NOT* use `#access_token` in the URL because this string # will be output STDOUT via `RubocopChallenger::CommandLine` module. def github_token_url "https://${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}{github.repository}" endend