

0 mins
Test Coverage
package grid

import (


const one = 1.0

// Iter is an iteration callback.
type Iter[T any] func(image.Point, T) bool

// Cast is a ray-casting callback.
type Cast[T any] func(image.Point, float64, T) bool

// Cost is a path-finding callback.
type Cost[T any] func(image.Point, float64, T) (float64, bool)

// Distance is a distance-measurement function.
type Distance func(a, b image.Point) float64

// Map represents generic 2D grid map.
type Map[T any] struct {
    cells array2d.Array[T]
    rc    image.Rectangle

// New return empty [Map] with given bounding rectangle.
func New[T any](rc image.Rectangle) (rv *Map[T]) {
    return &Map[T]{
        rc:    rc,
        cells: array2d.New[T](rc.Dx(), rc.Dy()),

// Bounds returns grid width and height.
func (m *Map[T]) Bounds() (w, h int) {
    return m.cells.Bounds()

// Rectangle returns grid bounding rectangle.
func (m *Map[T]) Rectangle() image.Rectangle {
    return m.rc

// Get returns value (if any) at given point.
func (m *Map[T]) Get(p image.Point) (c T, ok bool) {
    return m.cells.Get(p.X, p.Y)

// MustGet returns value at given point, it will panic on out-of-bound access.
func (m *Map[T]) MustGet(p image.Point) (c T) {
    var ok bool

    if c, ok = m.Get(p); ok {
        return c

    panic("grid: out-of-bounds access")

// Set sets value at given point.
func (m *Map[T]) Set(p image.Point, v T) (ok bool) {
    return m.cells.Set(p.X, p.Y, v)

// Iter iterates over map cells.
func (m *Map[T]) Iter(it Iter[T]) {
    m.cells.Iter(func(x, y int, v T) (next bool) {
        return it(image.Pt(x, y), v)

// Fill fills map with given constructor.
func (m *Map[T]) Fill(filler func() T) {

// Neighbours iterates grid cell neighbours in given directions and order.
func (m *Map[T]) Neighbours(
    src image.Point,
    dirs []image.Point,
    iter Iter[T],
) {
    var (
        cur image.Point
        val T
        ok  bool

    for _, d := range dirs {
        cur = src.Add(d)

        if val, ok = m.cells.Get(cur.X, cur.Y); !ok {

        if !iter(cur, val) {

// Path performs A-Star path finding in map.
func (m *Map[T]) Path(
    src, dst image.Point,
    dirs []image.Point,
    dist Distance,
    cost Cost[T],
) (rv []image.Point, ok bool) {
    if !src.In(m.rc) {
        return rv, false

    var val T

    if val, ok = m.cells.Get(dst.X, dst.Y); !ok {
        return rv, false

    tdist := dist(dst, src)

    if _, ok = cost(dst, tdist, val); !ok {
        return rv, false

    var (
        road   *path
        last   image.Point
        closed = make(set.Unordered[image.Point])

    queue := heap.New[*path](func(a, b *path) bool {
        return a.Cost < b.Cost

    queue.Push(road.Fork(src, tdist))

    for queue.Size() > 0 {
        road, _ = queue.Pop()
        last = road.Last()

        if !closed.Add(last) {

        if last.Eq(dst) {
            return road.Points(), true

        m.Neighbours(last, dirs, func(p image.Point, t T) (ok bool) {
            var ncost float64

            if ncost, ok = cost(p, dist(dst, p), t); ok {
                queue.Push(road.Fork(p, ncost))

            return true

    return nil, false

// LineOfSight iterates visible cells within given distance.
func (m *Map[T]) LineOfSight(
    src image.Point,
    distMax float64,
    cast Cast[T],
) {
    if !src.In(m.rc) {

    const maxDegrees = 360.0

    for t := float64(0); t < maxDegrees; t++ {
        m.CastRay(src, t, distMax, cast)

// CastRay performs DDA ray cast from point at map with given angle (in degrees), limited by given max distance.
func (m *Map[T]) CastRay(
    src image.Point,
    angle, distMax float64,
    cast Cast[T],
) {
    if !src.In(m.rc) {

    var (
        start      = vec2d.New(float64(src.X), float64(src.Y))
        s, c       = math.Sincos(radians(angle))
        dest       = start.Add(vec2d.New(c, s))
        rdir       = dest.Sub(start).Norm()
        step, rlen vec2d.V[float64]

    if rdir.X < 0 {
        rlen.X = start.X - start.X
        step.X = -one
    } else {
        rlen.X = (start.X + one) - start.X
        step.X = one

    if rdir.Y < 0 {
        rlen.Y = start.Y - start.Y
        step.Y = -one
    } else {
        rlen.Y = (start.Y + one) - start.Y
        step.Y = one

    var (
        unit = vec2d.New(one, one).Div(rdir).Abs()
        mpt  image.Point
        dist float64
        val  T
        ok   bool

    rlen = rlen.Mul(unit)

    for {
        if rlen.X < rlen.Y {
            start.X += step.X
            rlen.X += unit.X
        } else {
            start.Y += step.Y
            rlen.Y += unit.Y

        if dist = math.Max(rlen.X, rlen.Y); dist > distMax {

        mpt = image.Pt(int(start.X), int(start.Y))

        if val, ok = m.cells.Get(mpt.X, mpt.Y); !ok {

        if !cast(mpt, dist, val) {

// CastShadow performs recursive shadow-casting.
func (m *Map[T]) CastShadow(
    src image.Point,
    distMax float64,
    cast Cast[T],
) {
    const (
        octetMin = 1
        octetMax = 8

    val, ok := m.cells.Get(src.X, src.Y)
    if !ok {

    cast(src, 0, val)

    for oct := octetMin; oct <= octetMax; oct++ {
        m.emitShadow(src, oct, one, distMax, 0.0, one, cast)

// DijkstraMap calculates 'Dijkstra' map for given points.
func (m *Map[T]) DijkstraMap(
    targets []image.Point,
    iter Iter[T],
) (rv *DijkstraMap) {
    rv = &DijkstraMap{
        ranks: array2d.New[uint16](m.cells.Bounds()),

    rv.update(targets, func(p image.Point) (ok bool) {
        val, _ := m.cells.Get(p.X, p.Y)

        return iter(p, val)

    return rv

// Line by Bresenham's algorithm.
func (m *Map[T]) LineBresenham(
    src, dst image.Point,
    iter Iter[T],
) {
    if !src.In(m.rc) {

    const two = 2

    var (
        sx, sy = 1, 1
        dx, dy = abs(dst.X - src.X), -abs(dst.Y - src.Y)
        e1     = dx + dy
        e2     int
        val    T
        ok     bool

    if src.X > dst.X {
        sx = -1

    if src.Y > dst.Y {
        sy = -1

    cur := src

    for {
        if val, ok = m.cells.Get(cur.X, cur.Y); !ok {

        if !iter(cur, val) {

        if cur.Eq(dst) {

        e2 = e1 * two

        if e2 >= dy {
            cur.X += sx
            e1 += dy

        if e2 <= dx {
            cur.Y += sy
            e1 += dx

func (m *Map[T]) emitShadow(
    src image.Point,
    oct int,
    dist, distMax, slopeLow, slopeHigh float64,
    cast Cast[T],
) {
    if dist > distMax {

    const half = 0.5

    var (
        pt      image.Point
        low     = math.Floor(slopeLow*dist + half)
        high    = math.Ceil(slopeHigh*dist + half)
        val     T
        pdist   float64
        gap, ok bool

    for h := low; h < high; h++ {
        pt = octantPoint(src, oct, int(dist), int(h))

        if val, ok = m.cells.Get(pt.X, pt.Y); !ok {

        if pdist = dist + DistanceEuclidean(src, pt); pdist > distMax {

        switch {
        case cast(pt, pdist, val):
            gap = true
        case gap:
            m.emitShadow(src, oct, dist+1, distMax, slopeLow, (h-half)/dist, cast)

            slopeLow = (h + half) / dist
            gap = false

    m.emitShadow(src, oct, dist+1, distMax, slopeLow, slopeHigh, cast)

func radians(v float64) (d float64) {
    const rad2deg = 180.0 / math.Pi

    return v / rad2deg

func octantPoint(p image.Point, oct, d, h int) (rv image.Point) {
    if oct&0x1 > 0 {
        d = -d

    if oct&0x2 > 0 {
        h = -h

    rv.X, rv.Y = d, h

    if oct&0x4 > 0 {
        rv.X, rv.Y = h, d

    return p.Add(rv)

func abs(v int) int {
    if v < 0 {
        return -v

    return v