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# Book settings
# Learn more at https://jupyterbook.org/customize/config.html
# See https://jupyterbook.org/en/stable/customize/config.html#configuration-defaults

title: gspread-models documentation site
author: Michael Rossetti
logo: logo.png

# only build toc files will suppress warnings about a file not being included in a toctree
# ... however we need this to be false in order for autodoc generated pages to be included in the left sidebar (jupyter-book bug?)
only_build_toc_files: false

# Patterns to skip when building the book. Can be glob-style (e.g. "*skip.ipynb")
#exclude_patterns            : [_build, Thumbs.db, .DS_Store, "**.ipynb_checkpoints"]

# Define behavior for execution of notebooks on each build.
# See https://jupyterbook.org/content/execute.html
  #execute_notebooks: force
  execute_notebooks: off # off because we can't run some colab features, so they will display their most recent output
  #exclude_patterns: [pattern1/*, path/to/myfile.ipynb]

# Add GitHub buttons to your book
# See https://jupyterbook.org/customize/config.html#add-a-link-to-your-repository
  favicon: "favicon.ico"
  use_issues_button: true
  use_repository_button: true
  use_edit_page_button: true

  #extra_footer              : ""  # Will be displayed underneath the footer.
  #google_analytics_id       : ""  # A GA id that can be used to track book views.
  home_page_in_navbar: true  # Whether to include your home page in the left Navigation Bar
  #baseurl: ""  # The base URL where your book will be hosted.
  #  hypothesis              : false
  #  utterances              : false
  #announcement: "This is an exciting announcement" # A banner announcement at the top of the site.

# Define the name of the latex output file for PDF builds
    targetname: book.tex

# Add a bibtex file so that we can create citations
#  - references.bib

# Information about where the book exists on the web
  url: https://github.com/s2t2/gspread-models-py  # Online location of your book
  path_to_book: docs  # Optional path to your book, relative to the repository root
  branch: main  # Which branch of the repository should be used when creating links (optional)

    # https://jupyterbook.org/en/stable/advanced/developers.html#api-reference-from-docstrings

    # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/doctest.html
    #- 'sphinx.ext.doctest'

    # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/autodoc.html
    # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/autodoc.html#configuration
    - 'sphinx.ext.autodoc'

    # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/autosummary.html
    # builds tables with method names and descriptions
    #- 'sphinx.ext.autosummary'

    # recognizes google and/or numpy formatted docstrings?
    # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/napoleon.html
    - 'sphinx.ext.napoleon'
    #- 'numpydoc'

    # add links back to source code:
    - 'sphinx.ext.viewcode'
    #add_module_names: False
    #autosummary_generate: True
    # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/autodoc.html#configuration
    autoclass_content: "both" # "both" # class, init, both,
    autodoc_member_order: "groupwise" # alphabetical, bysource, groupwise

    # napolean config:
    # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/napoleon.html#configuration
    napoleon_google_docstring: False
    napoleon_numpy_docstring: True

    #numpydoc_validation_checks: "all"