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from abc import ABC #abstractmethod
from typing import List, Dict
from functools import lru_cache #,cached_property
from datetime import datetime

from gspread import Worksheet #, Spreadsheet
from gspread_models.service import SpreadsheetService
#from pandas import DataFrame

class BaseModel(ABC):
    The Base Model provides an intuitive query interface to any models inheriting from it.

    Before reading and writing data to the sheet, you must first bind the base model
    to a specified google sheet document, using your authorized credentials.

    Then each child model which inherits from the base model will be configured to use
    a specified sheet in that document.

    attrs : dict
        A dictionary of attribute parameters that have been fetched from the sheet.

        All values should be serializable, for example using datetime strings
        instead of datetime objects.

    See Also
    BaseModel.bind : Bind base model to a given spreadsheet document.

    Please reference the :ref:`API Index <api_index>` for more information.

    Defining a child model class that inherits from the base model:

    >>> class Book(BaseModel):
    ...     SHEET_NAME = "books"
    ...     COLUMNS = ["title", "author", "year"]

    Constructing an object from a dictionary of values like those fetched from the sheet.

    >>> book = Book({
    ...     "id": 1,
    ...     "title":"Book 1",
    ...     "author": "Me",
    ...     "created_at": ""
    ... })
    >>> print(book.id)
    >>> print(book.title)
    Book 1
    >>> print(book.author)
    >>> print(book.created_at)
    datetime object

    SHEET_NAME = None # abstract constant (str) to be set in child class

    COLUMNS = [] # abstract constant to be set in child class

    SEEDS = [] # abstract constant to be set in child class

    service = None # SpreadsheetService()

    def __init__(self, attrs:Dict):
        self.attrs = attrs

        # attributes common to all child models
        self.id = attrs.get("id")

        for col in self.COLUMNS:
            #setattr(self, col, self.attrs.get(col))
            val = self.attrs.get(col)
            #if val.startswith("20"):
            # convert datetime parsable string to datetime object, dynamically
            if self.service.validate_timestamp(val):
                val = self.service.parse_timestamp(val)
            setattr(self, col, val)


    def created_at(self):
        Wraps timestamp string from the sheet in a native datetime object.
        return self.service.parse_timestamp(self.attrs.get("created_at"))

    #def updated_at(self):
    #    """Wraps timestamp string from the sheet in a native datetime object."""
    #    return self.service.parse_timestamp(self.attrs.get("updated_at"))

    def __iter__(self):
        Enables dictionary conversion by passing an object instance into the dict() function.
        yield 'id', self.id
        for col in self.COLUMNS:
            yield col, getattr(self, col)
        yield 'created_at', self.created_at
        #yield 'updated_at', self.updated_at

    def row(self) -> List:
        Returns an ordered list of JSON serializable values, for writing to the sheet.
        values = []
        for col in self.COLUMNS:
            val = getattr(self, col)
            if isinstance(val, datetime):
                val = str(val)
        return values

    #def save(self):
    #    print("SAVING RECORD TO SHEET:")
    #    print(dict(self))
    #    #if self.id:
    #    #    self.attrs["updated_at"] = self.service.generate_timestamp()
    #    #    self.update(dict(self))
    #    #return self.create(dict(self))
    #    return self.create_all([dict(self)])


    def bind(cls, document_id, credentials_filepath=None, credentials=None, creds=None):
        Bind the base model with a given document and set of credentials to access that document.

        credentials_filepath : (str)
            path to local service account JSON file
        document_id : (str)
            google sheets document identifier (obtained from the URL)
        creds or credentials : (google.auth.compute_engine.credentials.Credentials)
            optionally pass credentials object instead of filepath

        See Also
        SpreadsheetService : Uses similar credentials parameters

        >>> from gspread_models.base import BaseModel
        >>> BaseModel.service
        >>> BaseModel.bind(
        ...     credentials_filepath="google-credentials.json"
        ...     document_id="your-document-id"
        ... )
        >>> BaseModel.service
        SpreadsheetService object
        cls.service = SpreadsheetService(

    #def set_document_id(cls, document_id):
    #    cls.service.document_id = document_id

    def get_sheet(cls) -> Worksheet:
        Fetch the model-specific sheet, once it has been configured in the child class.

        See Also
        print(f"GET SHEET ('{cls.SHEET_NAME}')...")
        return cls.service.get_sheet(sheet_name=cls.SHEET_NAME)

    # using @property + @lru_cache because @cached_property throws:
    # ... TypeError: Cannot use cached_property instance without calling __set_name__ on it.
    def sheet(cls) -> Worksheet:
        Caches the sheet to avoid unnecessary API requests.
        return cls.get_sheet()


    def find(cls, by_id):
        Fetches a record by its unique identifier.
        records = cls.sheet.get_all_records()
        for record in records:
            if record.get("id") == by_id:
                return cls(record)
        return None

    def all(cls): # as_df=False
        Fetches all records from a given sheet.
        records = cls.sheet.get_all_records()
        # we can consider passing the data back in dataframe format:
        # see: https://github.com/s2t2/gspread-models-py/issues/12
        #if as_df:
        #    #df = DataFrame(records)
        #    # use model conversion to take advantage of datetime-conversion, etc:
        #    df = DataFrame([dict(cls(record)) for record in records])
        #    df.index = df["id"]
        #    return df
        #    return [cls(record) for record in records]
        return [cls(record) for record in records]

    #def find_all(cls):
    #    """alias method"""
    #    return cls.all()

    def destroy_all(cls):
        Removes all records from a given sheet, except the header row.
        records = cls.sheet.get_all_records()
        # start on the second row, and delete one more than the number of records (to account for header row)
        return cls.sheet.delete_rows(start_index=2, end_index=len(records)+1)

    def where(cls, **kwargs):
        Filter records which match all provided values.
        records = cls.sheet.get_all_records()
        objs = []
        for attrs in records:
            obj = cls(attrs)

            match_all = all(getattr(obj, k) == v for k, v in kwargs.items())

            if match_all:

        return objs

    def create_all(cls, new_records:List[Dict], records=[]):
        Appends new records (list of dictionaries) to the sheet.
        Adds auto-incrementing unique identifiers, and timestamp columns.
        records = records or cls.all()

        # auto-increment integer identifier:
        if any(records):
            existing_ids = [r.id for r in records]
            next_id = max(existing_ids) + 1
            next_id = 1

        rows = []
        for attrs in new_records:
            attrs["id"] = next_id
            now = cls.service.generate_timestamp()
            attrs["created_at"] = now

            inst = cls(attrs)
            next_id += 1

        return cls.sheet.append_rows(rows)

    def create(cls, new_record:dict):
        Appends new records (list of dictionaries) to the sheet.
        Adds auto-incrementing unique identifiers, and timestamp columns.
        return cls.create_all([new_record])

    def seed(cls):
        Convenience method, if you would like to set SEEDS.
        return cls.create_all(new_records=cls.SEEDS)