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Test Coverage
  .text-lg Status: #{@app.status.humanize(capitalize: false)}

  .text-lg Description
  = text_area_tag :description, @description, {size: "24x6", 'aria-label': 'description'}
    - if @description == @app&.description
      The field above has been pre-filled with the current approved app's description
    - elsif @description == @app_edit_request&.description
      The field above has been pre-filled with your not-yet approved edit request for the apps's description

  .text-lg App Initial Features
  = text_area_tag :features, @features, {size: "24x6", 'aria-label': 'description'}
    - if @features == @app&.features
      The field above has been pre-filled with the current approved app's features
    - elsif @features == @app_edit_request&.features
      The field above has been pre-filled with the not-yet approved edit request for the app's features

      .text-lg Deployment
      %p{:style => "word-wrap: break-word;"}
        = @app.deployment_url
      .text-lg Github
      %p{:style => "word-wrap: break-word;"}
        = @app.repository_url
      .text-lg Pivotal Tracker
      %p{:style => "word-wrap: break-word;"}
        = @app.pivotal_tracker_url