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Test Coverage
%h1= "Hi, #{@customer}! Please enter your feedback below."
%h2= "App: #{}"
%h2= "Team members: #{@engagement.student_names}"

=form_tag feedback_process_response_path(,, :method => :post do
  %h3 For approximately how long did you meet?
  =radio_button_tag :duration, "15 min"
  =label_tag(:duration_15, "15 min")
  =radio_button_tag :duration, "30 min"
  =label_tag(:duration_30, "30 min")
  =radio_button_tag :duration, "45 min"
  =label_tag(:duration_45, "45 min")
  =radio_button_tag :duration, "1 hour"
  =label_tag(:duration_60, "1 hour")
  =radio_button_tag :duration, "1 hour 15 min"
  =label_tag(:duration_75, "1 hour 15 min")
  =radio_button_tag :duration, "1 hour 30 min"
  =label_tag(:duration_90, "1 hour 30 min")
  =radio_button_tag :duration, "Longer than 1 hour 30 min"
  =label_tag(:duration_91, "Longer than 1 hour 30 min")


  %h3 The team presented a professional demeanor during the meeting
  =radio_button_tag :demeanor, "Strongly agree"
  =label_tag(:demeanor_1, "Strongly agree")
  =radio_button_tag :demeanor, "Mostly agree"
  =label_tag(:demeanor_2, "Mostly agree")
  =radio_button_tag :demeanor, "Neither agree nor disagree"
  =label_tag(:demeanor_3, "Neither agree nor disagree")
  =radio_button_tag :demeanor, "Mostly disagree"
  =label_tag(:demeanor_4, "Mostly disagree")
  =radio_button_tag :demeanor, "Strongly disagree"
  =label_tag(:demeanor_5, "Strongly disagree")


  %h3 All team members appeared to be engaged in the discussion
  =radio_button_tag :engaged, "Strongly agree"
  =label_tag(:engaged_1, "Strongly agree")
  =radio_button_tag :engaged, "Mostly agree"
  =label_tag(:engaged_2, "Mostly agree")
  =radio_button_tag :engaged, "Neither agree nor disagree"
  =label_tag(:engaged_3, "Neither agree nor disagree")
  =radio_button_tag :engaged, "Mostly disagree"
  =label_tag(:engaged_4, "Mostly disagree")
  =radio_button_tag :engaged, "Strongly disagree"
  =label_tag(:engaged_5, "Strongly disagree")


  %h3 The team communicated clearly regarding what was needed from you
  =radio_button_tag :communication, "Strongly agree"
  =label_tag(:communication_1, "Strongly agree")
  =radio_button_tag :communication, "Mostly agree"
  =label_tag(:communication_2, "Mostly agree")
  =radio_button_tag :communication, "Neither agree nor disagree"
  =label_tag(:communication_3, "Neither agree nor disagree")
  =radio_button_tag :communication, "Mostly disagree"
  =label_tag(:communication_4, "Mostly disagree")
  =radio_button_tag :communication, "Strongly disagree"
  =label_tag(:communication_5, "Strongly disagree")


  %h3 The team left the meeting with a shared understanding of your business needs
  =radio_button_tag :understanding, "Strongly agree"
  =label_tag(:understanding_1, "Strongly agree")
  =radio_button_tag :understanding, "Mostly agree"
  =label_tag(:understanding_2, "Mostly agree")
  =radio_button_tag :understanding, "Neither agree nor disagree"
  =label_tag(:understanding_3, "Neither agree nor disagree")
  =radio_button_tag :understanding, "Mostly disagree"
  =label_tag(:understanding_4, "Mostly disagree")
  =radio_button_tag :understanding, "Strongly disagree"
  =label_tag(:understanding_5, "Strongly disagree")


  %h3 The team gave me the opportunity to try out the latest changes "live", at least 1 full business day before our scheduled meeting
  =radio_button_tag :opportunity_to_try, "Yes"
  =label_tag(:opportunity_to_try_1, "Yes")
  =radio_button_tag :opportunity_to_try, "No"
  =label_tag(:opportunity_to_try_2, "No")


  %h3 The team effectively addressed my requests in the last iteration
  =radio_button_tag :effectiveness, "Strongly agree"
  =label_tag(:effectiveness_1, "Strongly agree")
  =radio_button_tag :effectiveness, "Mostly agree"
  =label_tag(:effectiveness_2, "Mostly agree")
  =radio_button_tag :effectiveness, "Neither agree nor disagree"
  =label_tag(:effectiveness_3, "Neither agree nor disagree")
  =radio_button_tag :effectiveness, "Mostly disagree"
  =label_tag(:effectiveness_4, "Mostly disagree")
  =radio_button_tag :effectiveness, "Strongly disagree"
  =label_tag(:effectiveness_5, "Strongly disagree")


  %h3 I was satisfied with the results the teams delivered in the last iteration
  =radio_button_tag :satisfied, "Strongly agree"
  =label_tag(:satisfied_1, "Strongly agree")
  =radio_button_tag :satisfied, "Mostly agree"
  =label_tag(:satisfied_2, "Mostly agree")
  =radio_button_tag :satisfied, "Neither agree nor disagree"
  =label_tag(:satisfied_3, "Neither agree nor disagree")
  =radio_button_tag :satisfied, "Mostly disagree"
  =label_tag(:satisfied_4, "Mostly disagree")
  =radio_button_tag :satisfied, "Strongly disagree"
  =label_tag(:satisfied_5, "Strongly disagree")


  %h3 Any comments regarding any aspect of working with the team during this iteration?
  =text_area_tag :general_feedback, ""

  =submit_tag "Submit", :class => "btn btn-primary"