Usage: #<Enumerator:0x979a960> filename.rb renderer [options]
filename.rb contains questions expressed in RuQL
renderer choices are:
Html5 - HTML 5 suitable for Web display/printing
EdXml - XML for OpenEdX platform in-course questions
AutoQCM - LaTeX for use with AutoQCM (http://home.gna.org/auto-qcm)
Coursera- [obsolete] Coursera HTML/XML format for online auto-grading
JSON - [partially implemented] JSON format
Global options:
-l <loglevel>, --log=<loglevel>
In increasing verbosity, they are 'error' (nonfatal), 'warn', 'info',
'debug'; default is 'warn'
-p <penalty>, --penalty <penalty>
The penalty for WRONG answers, as a fraction of the penalty for
RIGHT answers. For a 2-point question, penalty=0.25 means 1/2 point
(0.25 * 2) deducted for WRONG answer. Default is 0. Not all
output formats are able to do something useful with this.
The EdXML renderer supports these options:
-n <name>, --name=<name>
Only render the question(s) that have :name => 'name'.
NOTE: Some markup that is legal in RuQL questions will break the EdX parser.
Manually check your questions as you enter them into EdX. Code seems to
be particularly troublesome.
NOTE: The 'points' and 'randomize' attributes of questions are not honored by
some systems.
The HTML5 renderer supports these options:
-c <href>, --css=<href>
embed <href> for stylesheet into generated HTML5
-t <file.html.erb>, --template=<file.html.erb>
Use file.html.erb as HTML template rather than generating our own file.
file.html.erb should have <%= yield %> where questions should go.
An example is in the templates/ directory of RuQL.
The following local variables will be replaced with their values in
the template:
<%= quiz.title %> - the quiz title
<%= quiz.num_questions %> - total number of questions
<%= quiz.points %> - total number of points for whole quiz
-s, --solutions
generate solutions (showing correct answers and explanations)
NOTE: If there is more than one quiz (collection of questions) in the file,
a complete <html>...</html> block is produced in the output for EACH quiz.
The AutoQCM renderer supports these options:
-t <file.tex.erb>, --template=<file.tex.erb>
MANDATORY: Use file.tex.erb as LaTeX/AutoQCM template.
The file should have <%= yield %> where questions should go.
See the description of template under HTML5 renderer for variable
substitutions that can occur in the quiz body.
The JSON renderer currently supports no options