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Test Coverage
# Space2underscore Change Log

## v0.5.2
- Refactor methods in space2underscore.
- Refactor examples for space2underscore.
- Add an option for raw.

### Security Changes
- Lock the RuboCop version over `0.49.0`.

## v0.5.1
- Fix a bug where failed to print usage.

## v0.5.0
- Add a task for tagging
- Add tests for bins

### Critical bug fix
- Change the symbolic link to plain text

## v0.4.3
- Fix critical typo

## v0.4.2
- Fix issues according to RuboCop

## v0.4.1
- Drop test for 1.9

## v0.4.0
- Use git's original result
- Add an alias for space2underscore
- Add travis CI testing target for new ruby version

## v0.3.9
- Do not use SimpleCov.
- license file is renamed from LICENSE.txt to MIT-LICENSE.
- Author is changed from nickname to full name.
- Use secure connection in gemspec for space2underscore.

## v0.3.8
- Refactored for hiding command results.
- Added a task for the RSpec and SimpleCov.
- Use Rubocop and Fix issues of Rubocop.
- Use shorthand alias in ``.
- Modified post install message.

## v0.3.7
- Added gems for coverage and use COVERALLS and SimpleCov.
- Wrote configurations for COVERALLS and SimpleCov.
- Hid git command's result.
- Modified methods specifications.
- Wrote spec for `.create_new_branch` and `.usage`.
- Changed print method from print to puts.
- Added badges.
- Fixed typos.

## v0.3.6 (2015-10-16)
- Wrote
- Rewrote docs.
- Added credits for ghq and tmuxinator.
- Modified the help information.
- Modified the information to be printed after the installation is completed.

## v0.3.5 (2015-10-07)
- Removed line feed code in first line.

## v0.3.4 (2015-09-26)
- Fixed error `invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII) (SyntaxError)`.

## v0.3.3 (2015-09-24)
- Modified English.
- Maked a symbolic link for space2underscore command.
- Use Travis CI.
- Added status badges.

## v0.3.2 (2015-09-03)
- Added installed message.
- Removed unused message.

## v0.3.1 ~ v0.3.0 (2015-08-30 ~ 2015-08-27)
- Don't use clipboard.
- Changed to print and create the new branch only command.
- Modified document.
- Removed unused config for RSpec.

## v0.2.2 (2015-08-13)
- Modified the message at the time of input.
- Added document at the time of create the new branch.

## v0.2.1 (2015-08-11)
- Modified document.
- Bit refactored.

## v0.2.0 (2015-08-02)
- Created function of create the new branch.

## v0.1.9 ~ v0.1.8 (2015-08-02 ~ 2015-05-26)
- Created the new gem.