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Test Coverage
- Put cola in fridge for cooling (see last step)
- Create a release branch (locally)
- Bump the version in fancy_cronfield/
- Build newest english translation ( makemessages -l en)
- Build newest english JS translations ( makemessages -l en -d djangojs)
- Pull translations
- Compile translations ( compilemessages)
- Make sure js files are bundled and minified properly from latest source
- Check CHANGELOG that all closed PRs are present.
- Prepare blog post, including "Release" tag
- update AUTHORS file
- Make a release commit
- Tag release commit
- Merge back into develop
- Push develop to GitHub
- Merge into master
- Push master to GitHub (WITH --tags)
- Release to PyPI (ONLY FOR FINAL VERSIONS!) (python sdist upload)
- Release wheel (python bdist_wheel upload)
- Bump version in develop branch to .dev1
- Publish blog post
- Tweet blog post
- Post notice on django-users, django-fancy-cronfield and django-fancy-cronfield-developers mailing lists
- Update IRC channel topic (/topic this is the new topic)
- Add current version to RTD versions.
- Set new version as default version on RTD
- Make sure tutorials on the website still work
- Have a cola! (If anyone else is around, do a release party!)