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### Customizing Keydown Behaviour

## selectOnKeyCodes <Badge text="v3.3.0+" />

`selectOnKeyCodes {Array}` is an array of keyCodes that will trigger a typeAheadSelect. Any keyCodes
 in this array will prevent the default event action and trigger a typeahead select. By default, 
 it's just `[13]` for return. For example, maybe you want to tag on a comma keystroke:
<TagOnComma /> 
<<< @/.vuepress/components/TagOnComma.vue

## mapKeyDown <Badge text="v3.3.0+" />

Vue Select provides the `map-keydown` Function prop to allow for customizing the components response to 
keydown events while the search input has focus.

 * @param map {Object} Mapped keyCode to handlers { <keyCode>:<callback> }
 * @param vm {VueSelect}
 * @return {Object}
(map, vm) => map,

By default, the prop is a no–op returning the same object `map` object it receives. This object
maps keyCodes to handlers: `{ <keyCode>: <callback> }`. Modifying this object can override default
functionality, or add handlers for different keys that the component doesn't normally listen for.

Note that any keyCodes you've added to `selectOnKeyCodes` will be passed to `map-keydown` as well,
so `map-keydown` will always take precedence.

**Default Handlers**

//  delete
8: e => this.maybeDeleteValue()

//  tab
9: e => this.onTab()

//  enter
13: e => {
    return this.typeAheadSelect();

//  esc
27: e => this.onEscape()

//  up
38: e => {
    return this.typeAheadUp();

//  down
40: e => {
    return this.typeAheadDown();

### Example: Autocomplete Email Addresses

This is example listens for the `@` key, and autocompletes an email address with ``.

<CustomHandlers />

<<< @/.vuepress/components/CustomHandlers.vue