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export default {
  props: {
     * Toggles the adding of a 'loading' class to the main
     * .v-select wrapper. Useful to control UI state when
     * results are being processed through AJAX.
    loading: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false,

  data() {
    return {
      mutableLoading: false,

  watch: {
     * Anytime the search string changes, emit the
     * 'search' event. The event is passed with two
     * parameters: the search string, and a function
     * that accepts a boolean parameter to toggle the
     * loading state.
     * @emits search
    search() {
      this.$emit('search',, this.toggleLoading)

     * Sync the loading prop with the internal
     * mutable loading value.
     * @param val
    loading(val) {
      this.mutableLoading = val

  methods: {
     * Toggle this.loading. Optionally pass a boolean
     * value. If no value is provided, this.loading
     * will be set to the opposite of it's current value.
     * @param toggle Boolean
     * @returns {*}
    toggleLoading(toggle = null) {
      if (toggle == null) {
        return (this.mutableLoading = !this.mutableLoading)
      return (this.mutableLoading = toggle)