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require_relative 'collection'

module HeartlandRetail
  class Client
    # An representation of an API resource identified by a URI. Allows
    # triggering API calls via HTTP methods. Allows constructing new resources
    # in a chained style by calling the methods that manipulate the URI and
    # return a new resource.
    # @example Chaining
    #   new_resource = resource.
    #     filter(:field => 'value').
    #     sort(:id).
    #     embed(:related_resource)
    # Resources are usually constructed via the Client#[] method.
    class Resource
      # The resource's URI.
      # @return [Addressable::URI]
      attr_reader :uri

      # The underlying HeartlandRetail Client.
      # @return [Client]
      attr_reader :client

      # @param [HeartlandRetail::Client] client
      # @param [Addressable::URI, #to_s] uri
      def initialize(client, uri_or_path)
        @client = client
        @uri = normalize_uri(uri_or_path)

      # Performs a HEAD request against the resource's URI and returns the Response.
      # @return [Response]
      def head(headers=false); call_client(:head, headers); end

      # Performs a HEAD request against the resource's URI. Returns the Response
      # on success and raises a RequestFailed on failure..
      # @raise [RequestFailed] On error response
      # @return [Response]
      def head!(headers=false); call_client(:head!, headers); end

      # Performs a GET request against the resource's URI and returns the Response.
      # @return [Response]
      def get(headers=false); call_client(:get, headers); end

      # Performs a GET request against the resource's URI. Returns the Response
      # on success and raises a RequestFailed on failure.
      # @raise [RequestFailed] On error response
      # @return [Response]
      def get!(headers=false); call_client(:get!, headers); end

      # Performs a DELETE request against the resource's URI and returns the Response.
      # @return [Response]
      def delete(headers=false); call_client(:delete, headers); end

      # Performs a DELETE request against the resource's URI. Returns the Response
      # on success and raises a RequestFailed on failure.
      # @raise [RequestFailed] On error response
      # @return [Response]
      def delete!(headers=false); call_client(:delete!, headers); end

      # Performs a PUT request against the resource's URI and returns the Response.
      # @return [Response]
      def put(body, headers=false); call_client(:put, body, headers); end

      # Performs a PUT request against the resource's URI. Returns the Response
      # on success and raises a RequestFailed on failure.
      # @raise [RequestFailed] On error response
      # @return [Response]
      def put!(body, headers=false); call_client(:put!, body, headers); end

      # Performs a POST request against the resource's URI and returns the Response.
      # @return [Response]
      def post(body, headers=false); call_client(:post, body, headers); end

      # Performs a POST request against the resource's URI. Returns the Response
      # on success and raises a RequestFailed on failure.
      # @raise [RequestFailed] On error response
      # @return [Response]
      def post!(body, headers=false); call_client(:post!, body, headers); end

      # Returns a new subordinate resource with the given sub-path.
      # @return [Resource]
      def [](uri)

      # If called with +params+ as a +Hash+:
      # Returns a new resource where the given query hash
      # is merged with the existing query string parameters.
      # If called with no arguments:
      # Returns the resource's current query string parameters and values
      # as a hash.
      # @return [Resource, Hash]

      # @overload query(params)
      #   Returns a new resource where the given +params+ hash of parameter
      #   names and values is merged with the existing query string parameters.
      #   @param [Hash] params New query string parameters
      #   @return [Resource]
      # @overload query()
      #   Returns the resource's current query string parameters and values
      #   as a hash.
      #   @return [Hash]
      def query(params=nil)
        if params
          uri = self.uri.dup
          self.uri.query_values || {}

      alias params query

      # Returns a cloned copy of the resource with the same URI.
      # @return [Resource]
      def clone(uri=nil), uri ? uri : self.uri)

      # Returns a new resource with the given embeds added to the query string
      # (via _include params).
      # @return [Resource]
      def embed(*embeds)
        embeds = (query['_include'] || []) + embeds
        query('_include' => embeds)

      # Returns true if a HEAD request to the resource returns a successful response,
      # false if it returns 404, otherwise raises an exception.
      # @raise [RequestFailed] If response is not success or 404
      # @return [Boolean]
      def exists?
        response = head
        return true if response.success?
        return false if response.status == 404
        error = "Request during call to 'exists?' resulted in non-404 error."
        error.response = response
        raise error

      include Collection


      # Normalizes the URI or path given to a URI
      def normalize_uri(uri_or_path)
        uri = URI.parse(uri_or_path)
        return uri if uri.to_s.start_with?(client.base_uri.to_s)
        path = uri_or_path.to_s.start_with?('/') ? uri_or_path : "/#{uri_or_path}"
        path.to_s.gsub!(/^#{client.base_uri.to_s}|^#{client.base_uri.path}/, '')

      # Calls a client method, passing the URI as the first argument.
      def call_client(method, *args, &block)
        client.__send__(method, *args.unshift(uri), &block)