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Test Coverage
# Snapsnap

Capture, cache, and replay HTTP queries in your tests using [Nock]( 

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1. On the first run, the tests make real HTTP queries.
2. The queries and the responses are stored in `__http__/`.
3. On subsequent runs, cached responses are loaded from `__http__/` and used instead of real queries.
4. This is super helpful if your tests run in an environment that has no internet access, or you wish to maintain a snapshot of the responses.

## Usage

Snapsnap behaves similarly to Jest Snapshots. If an HTTP query has not been snapshotted, a real HTTP query will be made. Otherwise, a cached version of the query will be returned.

To signal that a test should be snapshotted, simply use `it.snap()` instead of `it()`. The framework will manage the rest.

  'should query the API',
  async () => {
    const result = await request('');
    const json = await result.json();

## Setting Up

### Jest
Supports Jest with [Circus]( (=default) test runner. 

#### Configuring Jest
Snapsnap is implemented as a [test environment]( that extends Jest's built-in `NodeEnvironment`.

// ./jest.config.js
module.exports = {
  testEnvironment: 'snapsnap/jest-env.js'

## Acknowledgments

Based on [Jest Nock Back]( and [Jest Nock](