## \example alternatives.py
# The RMF format supports storing alternative representations of the structure
# through the RMF::decorator::Alternatives decorator and associated types.
# Multiple versions of the hierarchy are stored, all representing the same
# biological entity. Different representations can be used for different
# purposes based on resolution or other criteria.
import RMF
tfn = RMF._get_temporary_file_path("alternatives.rmf3")
print("File is", tfn)
f = RMF.create_rmf_file(tfn)
f.add_frame("frame", RMF.FRAME)
# make a trivial set of multiple resolution represntations
rh = f.get_root_node()
pf = RMF.ParticleFactory(f)
gpf = RMF.GaussianParticleFactory(f)
rff = RMF.ReferenceFrameFactory(f)
def frange(x, y, jump):
while x < y:
yield x
x += jump
def create_hierarchy(radius):
root = f.add_node(str(radius), RMF.REPRESENTATION)
for i in frange(0., 8, radius):
for j in frange(0., 8, radius):
for k in frange(0., 8, radius):
center = RMF.Vector3(
i + radius / 2,
j + radius / 2,
k + radius / 2)
n = root.add_child(
str(i) + "-" + str(j) + "-" + str(k),
d = pf.get(n)
d.set_static_mass(radius ** 3)
return root
def create_gmm(radius=1.):
root = f.add_node("gmm" + str(radius), RMF.REPRESENTATION)
for i in frange(0., 8, radius):
for j in frange(0., 8, radius):
center = RMF.Vector3(
i + radius / 2,
j + radius / 2,
n = root.add_child(
str(i) + "-" + str(j),
d = gpf.get(n)
d.set_variances(RMF.Vector3(radius / 2, radius / 2, 4))
d.set_static_mass(radius ** 3)
rf = rff.get(n)
rf.set_rotation(RMF.Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0))
return root
n = create_hierarchy(4)
af = RMF.AlternativesFactory(f)
da = af.get(n)
da.add_alternative(create_hierarchy(1), RMF.PARTICLE)
da.add_alternative(create_hierarchy(2), RMF.PARTICLE)
da.add_alternative(create_hierarchy(4), RMF.PARTICLE)
da.add_alternative(create_gmm(), RMF.GAUSSIAN_PARTICLE)
print("particles", RMF.get_resolutions(n, RMF.PARTICLE))
print("gaussian particles", RMF.get_resolutions(n, RMF.GAUSSIAN_PARTICLE))