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# Referrer

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Referrer tracks sources with which users visit your site, converts them into utm markup, computes priority of these sources and provides linking for sources with tracked model's records (orders/requests/etc).

Sample questions which Referrer can help to answer:

- Where did this user come from?
- `{utm_source: 'google', utm_medium: 'organic', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', utm_term: 'user search query', kind: 'organic'}`
<br /><br />
- Where did users come from last month?
- `[{utm_source: 'google', utm_medium: 'organic', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', utm_term: 'user search query', kind: 'organic', count: 1}, {utm_source: 'google', utm_campaign: 'adv_campaign', utm_medium: 'cpc', utm_content: 'adv 1', utm_term: 'some text', kind: 'utm', count: 2}, etc...]`
<br /><br />
- Where did user who make purchase come from?
- `{utm_source: '', utm_medium: 'referral', utm_campaign: '(none)',  utm_content: '/some_path', utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'referral'}`
<br /><br />
- Where did users who left some requests come from last week?
- `[{utm_source: '(direct)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'direct', count: 3}, {utm_source: 'google', utm_campaign: 'adv_campaign', utm_medium: 'cpc', utm_content: 'adv 2', utm_term: 'another text', kind: 'utm', count: 5}, etc...]`

## Installation

### Basic setup

1. Add Referrer to your Gemfile:
    gem 'referrer'

2. Run the bundle command to install it:
    bundle install

3. Copy migrations from engine:
    rake referrer:install:migrations

4. Migrate your database:
    rake db:migrate

5. Mount engine's routes at `config/routes.rb`
    mount Referrer::Engine => '/referrer'
6. Require engine's js in your `application.js` file:
    //= require referrer/application

7. Add to your ApplicationController:
    include Referrer::ControllerAdditions
8. If your `current_user` method has another name, add to `config/initializers/referrer.rb`:
    Referrer.current_user_method_name = :your_method_name

### Setup your statistics owners

Add to your models which objects may be returned from `current_user` (or your same method, specified in `Referrer.current_user_method_name`) `include Referrer::OwnerModelAdditions`. For sample if your `current_user` return `User` objects:

  class User < ActiveRecord::Base
    include Referrer::OwnerModelAdditions

### Setup your tracked models

1. Add to models you want to track `include Referrer::TrackedModelAdditions`. For sample if you want to track where users who make orders come from (`Order` class):
    class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
    include Referrer::TrackedModelAdditions
2. After you create tracked model record next time you can link record with current source. For sample (with `Order` object):
    # OrdersControllers#create
      @order.referrer_link_with(referrer_user) # referrer_user defined in Referrer::TrackedModelAdditions

## Settings

Referrer settings can be changed in initializers. For sample, you can create `config/initializers/referrer.rb` and add your custom settings to it.

###Settings list

1. **current_user_method_name** - method name in ApplicationController which return current logged in object.

2. **js_settings** - options passes to js part of Referrer.
    Available options:
    * cookies
        {prefix: 'referrer',
         domain: null,
         path: '/'}
    * object
        {name: 'referrer'}
    * callback
3. **js_csrf_token** - js code to get CSRF token if it is used.
      var tokenContainer = document.querySelector("meta[name=csrf-token]");
      return tokenContainer ? tokenContainer.content : null;
4. **markup_generator_settings** - options for Referrer::MarkupGenerator. 
  Available options:
  * organics
      [{host: '', param: 'q'},
       {host: '', param: 'query'},
       {host: '', param: 'p'},
       {host: /^(www\.)?google\.[a-z]+$/, param: 'q', display: 'google'},
       {host: '', param: 'q'},
       {host: '', params: 'q'},
       {host: '', param: 'q'},
       {host: '', param: 'text'},
       {host: '', param: 'q'},
       {host: '', param: 'q'},
       {host: '', param: 'qs'},
       {host: '', param: 'wd'},
       {host: /^(www\.)?yandex\.[a-z]+$/, param: 'text', display: 'yandex'},
       {host: '', param: 'oq'},
       {host: '', param: 'q'},
       {host: '', param: 'k'},
       {host: '', param: 'q'},
       {host: '', param: 'query'},
       {host: '', param: 'query'},
       {host: '', param: 'q'},
       {host: '', param: 'q'},
       {host: '', param: 'q'},
       {host: '', param: 'query'}]
  * referrals
      [{host: /^(www\.)?t\.co$/, display: ''}, 
       {host: /^(www\.)?plus\.url\.google\.com$/, display: ''}]
  * utm_synonyms
      {'utm_source'=>[], 'utm_medium'=>[], 'utm_campaign'=>[], 'utm_content'=>[], 'utm_term'=>[]}
  * array_params_joiner
      ', '
5. **session_duration** - after this duration left, new session will be created and its sources priorities will be computed without regard to past sessions sources.
6. **sources_overwriting_schema** - source's kind priorities for priority source computation.
    {direct: %w(direct),
     referral: %w(direct referral organic utm),
     organic: %w(direct referral organic utm),
     utm: %w(direct referral organic utm)}

## Usage

### Sources owner

#### referrer_markups

Get markups for application user. Returns hash where:
* **first** - user's first source
* **priority** - user's last priority source, computed using `sources_overwriting_schema`
* **last** - user's last source

=> {first: {utm_source: 'google', utm_medium: 'organic', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', utm_term: 'user search query', kind: 'organic'},
    priority: {utm_source: 'google', utm_campaign: 'adv_campaign', utm_medium: 'cpc', utm_content: 'adv 1', utm_term: 'some text', kind: 'utm'},
    last: {utm_source: '(direct)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'direct'}}

### Tracked model

#### referrer_markup

Get markup for tracked model's object. Returns markup hash:

=> {utm_source: '', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_medium: 'referral', utm_content: '/', 
    utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'referral'}}

#### referrer_link_with(r_user, linked_at: nil) [referrer_link_with!(r_user, linked_at: nil)]

Link tracked model's object to referrer's data. Parameters:

* `r_user` - `Referrer::User` object, in controller can be got by `referrer_user` (requires Referrer::ControllerAdditions be included).
* `linked_at` - custom linking `DateTime`.

### Statistics

#### Referrer::Statistics.sources_markup(from, to)

Get markup of visits occurred in the specified period. Parameters:

* `from` - DateTime of period start
* `to` - DateTime of period end


Referrer::Statistics.sources_markup(10.days.ago, 2.days.ago)
=> [{utm_source: 'first', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)',
      utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'utm', count: 2},
    {utm_source: 'second', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)',
      utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'utm', count: 1},
    {utm_source: '(direct)', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)',
      utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'direct', count: 1}]

#### Referrer::Statistics.tracked_objects_markup(from, to, type: nil)

Get markup associated with tracked model objects, in the specified period. Parameters:

* `from` - DateTime of period start
* `to` - DateTime of period end
* `type` - tracked model name. If specified, response will contain markup associated only with this model objects.


Referrer::Statistics.tracked_objects_markup(10.days.ago, 2.days.ago)
=> [{utm_source: 'first', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', 
     utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'utm', count: 2}, 
    {utm_source: 'second', utm_campaign: '(none)', utm_medium: '(none)', utm_content: '(none)', 
     utm_term: '(none)', kind: 'utm', count: 1}]

## License

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.