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{% set xxx = rellinks.extend([
    ('glossary', 'Glossary', 'g', 'Glossary'),
    ('contents', 'Table of Contents', 't', 'Table of Contents'),
]) %}

{%- set reldelim1 = reldelim1 is not defined and ' &raquo;' or reldelim1 %}
{%- set reldelim2 = reldelim2 is not defined and ' |' or reldelim2 %}
{%- set render_sidebar = (not embedded) and (not theme_nosidebar|tobool) and (sidebars != []) %}
{%- set url_root = pathto('', 1) %}
{# XXX necessary? #}
{%- if url_root == '#' %}{% set url_root = '' %}{% endif %}
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{%- endif %}

{% set script_files = [
] %}

{% set css_files = [
] %}

{%- macro relbar() %}

        {%- for rellink in rellinks|reverse %}
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            {%- if not loop.last %}{{ reldelim2 }}{% endif %}
        {%- endfor %}

        {%- block relbaritems %} {% endblock %}

{%- endmacro %}

{%- macro script() %}
            URL_ROOT:    '{{ url_root }}',
            VERSION:     '{{ release|e }}',
            SEARCH_CX:   '{{ search_cx }}',
            COLLAPSE_INDEX: false,
            FILE_SUFFIX: '{{ '' if no_search_suffix else file_suffix }}',
            HAS_SOURCE:  '{{ has_source|lower }}'
    {%- for scriptfile in script_files %}

    <script src="{{ pathto(scriptfile, 1) }}"></script>

    {%- endfor %}
{%- endmacro %}

{%- macro css() %}

    {%- for cssfile in css_files %}
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ pathto(cssfile, 1) }}">
    {%- endfor %}

{%- endmacro %}
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        {%- block htmltitle %}
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        {%- block linktags %}
        {%- if hasdoc('about') %}
        <link rel="author" title="{{ _('About these documents') }}" href="{{ pathto('about') }}">
        {%- endif %}
        {%- if hasdoc('genindex') %}
        <link rel="index" title="{{ _('Index') }}" href="{{ pathto('genindex') }}">
        {%- endif %}
        {%- if hasdoc('search') %}
        <link rel="search" title="{{ _('Search') }}" href="{{ pathto('search') }}">
        {%- endif %}
        {%- if hasdoc('copyright') %}
        <link rel="copyright" title="{{ _('Copyright') }}" href="{{ pathto('copyright') }}">
        {%- endif %}
        <link rel="top" title="{{ docstitle|e }}" href="{{ pathto('index') }}">
        {%- if parents %}
        <link rel="up" title="{{ parents[-1].title|striptags|e }}" href="{{ parents[-1].link|e }}">
        {%- endif %}
        {%- if next %}
        <link rel="next" title="{{ next.title|striptags|e }}" href="{{|e }}">
        {%- endif %}
        {%- if prev %}
        <link rel="prev" title="{{ prev.title|striptags|e }}" href="{{|e }}">
        {%- endif %}
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                                    {% if not (build_type == "develop" or build_type == "next") and on_saltstack %}
                                    <li><a class="icon-dl" href="/en/pdf/Salt-{{ release }}.pdf"><img height="25" width="25" class="nolightbox" src="{{ pathto('_static/images/pdf_icon.svg', 1) }}"></a></li>
                                    <li><a class="icon-dl" href="/en/epub/Salt-{{ release }}.epub"><img height="25" width="18" class="nolightbox" src="{{ pathto('_static/images/epub_icon.svg', 1) }}"></a></li>
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                            {% if "topics/releases" in pagename and "0" in pagename and not release in pagename and not "In Progress" in title %}

                                <div class="alert alert-warning dev-notification-text" role="alert"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign"></i> These release notes are for an old release of Salt. This release might contain known security and other issues that are fixed in the <a data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Release notes for the latest release" href="{{ release }}.html">latest release</a>.</div>

                            {% elif build_type == "develop" and on_saltstack %}

                                <div class="alert alert-warning dev-notification-text" role="alert"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign"></i> You are viewing docs from the develop branch, some of these features are not yet released.</div>

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                            {% endif %}

                            {% if build_type == "next" and on_saltstack %}

                                <div class="alert alert-warning dev-notification-text" role="alert"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign"></i> You are previewing docs for the next major release, <a target="_blank" data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="View this branch on GitHub" href="{{ next_release_dir }}"> {{ next_release }}.</a></div>
                            {% endif %}

                            {%- block document %}
                            <div class="body-content">
                                {% block body %} {% endblock %}
                            {%- endblock %}

                            {%- if prev %}
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                            {%- if next %}
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                                Next <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span></button></a>
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                    {%- block footer %}
                    <div class="footer">
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                            {% if on_saltstack %}
                            <div class="col-sm-6">
                            <p><i>{{ today }}</i></p>

                                {% if build_type == "latest" %}
                                <p>You are viewing docs for the latest stable release, {{ latest_release }}. Switch to docs for the previous stable release, <a data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Docs for the previous stable release" href="/en/{{ previous_release_dir }}/">{{ previous_release }}</a>, or to a recent doc build from the <a data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Latest docs from the develop branch" href="/en/develop/">develop</a> branch.</p>

                                {% elif build_type == "previous" %}
                                <p>You are viewing docs for the previous stable release, {{ previous_release }}. Switch to docs for the latest stable release, <a data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Docs for the latest stable release" href="/en/latest/">{{ latest_release }}</a>, or to a recent doc build from the <a data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Latest docs from the develop branch" href="/en/develop/">develop</a> branch.</p>

                                {% elif build_type == "inactive" %}
                                <p>You are viewing docs for an inactive release, {{ previous_release }}. Switch to docs for the latest stable release, <a data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Docs for the latest stable release" href="/en/latest/">{{ latest_release }}</a>, or to a recent doc build from the <a data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Latest docs from the develop branch" href="/en/develop/">develop</a> branch.</p>

                                {% elif build_type == "develop" %}
                                <p>You are viewing docs built from a recent snapshot of the develop branch. Switch to docs for the latest stable release, <a data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Docs for the latest stable release" href="/en/latest/">{{ latest_release }}</a>.</p>

                                {% elif build_type == "next" %}
                                <p>You are viewing preview docs for the next major release, {{ next_release }}. Switch to docs for the latest stable release, <a data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Docs for the latest stable release" href="/en/latest/">{{ latest_release }}</a>.</p>
                                {% endif %}
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                {% if build_type=="next" %}

                <div class="versions">
                    <p><b>{{ next_release }}</b> (Not Released)</p>

                {% else %}

                <div class="releaselinks versions {{ build_type }}">

                <a class="btn btn-secondary{% if build_type == "previous" or build_type == "inactive" %} active{% endif %}" id="previous"{% if build_type == "previous" or build_type == "inactive" %} title="View release notes"{% else %} title="Switch to docs for the previous stable release"{% endif %} data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" href="/en/{{ previous_release_dir }}/">{{ previous_release }}{% if build_type == "previous" or build_type == "inactive" %} <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i>{%- endif %}</a>

                <a  class="btn btn-secondary{% if build_type == "latest" %} active{% endif %}" id="latest"{% if build_type == "latest" %} title="View release notes"{% else %} title="Switch to docs for the latest stable release"{% endif %} data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" href="/en/latest/">{{ latest_release }}{% if build_type == "latest" %} <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i>{% endif %}</a>

                <a  class="btn btn-secondary{% if build_type == "develop" %} active{% endif %}" id="develop"{% if build_type == "develop" %} title="View all release notes"{% endif %} title="Switch to docs built recently from the develop branch" data-container="body" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" href="/en/develop/">Develop{% if build_type == "develop" %} <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i>{% endif %}</a>


                {% endif %}

                {% else %}
                <div class="versions">
                    <p>Version {{ version }}</p>
                {% endif %}

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